r - Make a histogram who's frequency is a value in the row -

how can make histogram each row below represented bar? eg, x axis "2012-10-02" , y axis "126", "2012-10-03" , y axis "11352"... , on.

the 'date' variable date vector.

         date steps 1  2012-10-02   126 2  2012-10-03 11352 3  2012-10-04 12116 4  2012-10-05 13294 5  2012-10-06 15420 6  2012-10-07 11015 7  2012-10-09 12811 8  2012-10-10  9900 9  2012-10-11 10304 10 2012-10-12 17382 

thank you

this not histogram. you've aggregated counts date.

barplot(df$steps, names = df$date,         xlab = "date", ylab = "steps",         main = "your title here") 

enter image description here
