python - Plone not starting ValueError: unknown locale: UTF-8 -

i have installed plone using unified installer.

i have tried starting plone using :

plone@localhost [zeocluster]# ./bin/plonectl start zeoserver: .  daemon process started, pid=6738 client1: .  daemon process started, pid=6743 client2: .  daemon process started, pid=6756 

when check status getting below info:

plone@localhost [zeocluster]# ./bin/plonectl start zeoserver: .  daemon process started, pid=6738 client1: .  daemon process started, pid=6743 client2: .  daemon process started, pid=6756 

when try run client1 in fg , getting below response.

plone@localhost [zeocluster]# ./bin/client1 fg 2015-07-14 03:57:35 info zserver http server started @ tue jul 14 03:57:35 2015 hostname: port: 8080 2015-07-14 03:57:35 info zope set effective user "plone_daemon" 2015-07-14 03:57:35 error application not import products.atcontenttypes ....... ...... file "/usr/local/plone/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 443, in _parse_localename raise valueerror, 'unknown locale: %s' % localename valueerror: unknown locale: utf-8  

even tried find local using :

plone@localhost [bin]# printenv lang en_us.utf-8 

my buildout.cfg has below values also:

environment-vars =     lc_all en_us.utf-8     lang en_us.utf-8  

can me out solve issue. recommends following error (it's osx & vagrant, guess might try if you've got different setup):

in case have [set] localized keyboard , language settings in .bash_profile of vagrant user locale (e.g. en_us.utf-8 or de_de.utf-8)

export lc_all=en_us.utf-8 export lang=en_us.utf-8 


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