objective c - Process for capturing image, storing it locally, showing it in table view, uploading to server and downloading on other devices? -

i want know process managing images ios app dealing large images. have done steps separately , works if performed individually. flow given below:

  1. capture image on iphone (full sized images of 2-5 mb)
  2. store image locally on iphone (where should stored in nsuserdefaults or temp folder or coredata?)
  3. show image locally
  4. upload image server when internet connection available
  5. download image server (i use sdwebimage) show on devices

i can steps independently when these combined cause problems in app. app requires capture image , show them table view local storage until uploaded on server.

do need upload server , download again before showing local table view? if not how should managed within app best case should gets saved in local storage , uploaded & not downloaded again until available locally.
