capybara - Rspec issues with Devise -

in tickets_controller.rb:

def create     @ticket = = current_user     if       flash[:notice] = "ticket has been created."       redirect_to [@project, @ticket]     else[:alert] = "ticket has not been created."       render "new"     end 


so assumed, should ok pass test, it's giving me errors below.

i'm under impression it's not invoking email address

the repo here

deployed version here

$ rspec spec/features/creating_tickets_spec.rb ...f  failures:    1) users can create new tickets valid attributes      failure/error: expect(page).to have_content "author: #{}"        expected find text "author:" in "internet explorer non-standards compliance pages ugly!"      # ./spec/features/creating_tickets_spec.rb:36:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'      # ./spec/features/creating_tickets_spec.rb:35:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'  finished in 0.64558 seconds (files took 1.3 seconds load) 4 examples, 1 failure  failed examples:  rspec ./spec/features/creating_tickets_spec.rb:30 # users can create new tickets valid attributes 

update 1:

show.html.erb ticket:

<header>   <h2><%= %></h2>   <ul class="actions">     <li><%= link_to "edit ticket", [:edit, @project, @ticket],       class: "edit" %></li>       <li><%= link_to "delete ticket", [@project, @ticket], method: :delete,       data: { confirm: "are sure want delete ticket?"},       class: "delete" %></li>   </ul> </header>  <table id="attributes">    <tr>      <th>author: </th>      <td><%= %></td>    </tr>    <tr>      <th>created: </th>      <td><%= time_ago_in_words(@ticket.created_at) %> ago</td>    </tr> </table>  <div id="ticket">   <header>     <h1><%= %></h1>   </header>   <header>     <h2><%= %></h2> </header>   <%= simple_format(@ticket.description) %> </div> 


require 'rails_helper'  rspec.feature 'users can create new tickets'   let(:user) { factorygirl.create(:user) }   before     login_as(user)     project = factorygirl.create(:project, name: "internet explorer")     visit project_path(project)     click_link "new ticket"   end   scenario "with valid attributes"     fill_in "name", with: "non-standards compliance"     fill_in "description", with: "my pages ugly!"     click_button "create ticket"     expect(page).to have_content "ticket has been created."     within("#ticket")       expect(page).to have_content "author: #{}"     end   end   scenario "when providing invalid attributes"     click_button "create ticket"     expect(page).to have_content "ticket has not been created."     expect(page).to have_content "name can't blank"     expect(page).to have_content "description can't blank"   end   scenario "with invalid description"     fill_in "name", with: "non-standards compliance"     fill_in "description", with: "it sucks"     click_button "create ticket"     expect(page).to have_content "ticket has not been created."     expect(page).to have_content "description short"   end end 

a couple things

  1. after set author on ticket, calling save?
  2. what in show template it's blowing up?

typically write controller code as: ticket_params 

which, assuming relationships set correctly, automatically set relationships expect.
