if statement executing after condition failed (C- Multithreading) -

i encountered problem in project, , don't know have next (it's happening when load test , multi-threaded programming). problem related if inside else-if...

#define failure -1 #define success 1 #define error_getting -203  #define non_mms_dest_client 2 #define other_network_dest_client 6  int get_event_type(char *eventtype, char *domainname, char *dest, int sendertype) {      int iret=0;      int spin_retstatus=0;       ret = get_client_interface_type (tbuff) ;      log_msg (g_log_fp, log_debug, "ret [%d] get_client_interface_type",ret);       if(ret == non_mms_dest_client)      {         /* not executing in current scenario */      }       else if(ret == other_network_dest_client)      {         /* i'm getting return value 6 other_network_dest_client */          log_msg(g_log_fp,log_debug,"establishing connection");         spin_retstatus=contact_event_type_over_udp(tbuff,&domain,null,0);          /* return values: success & failure */          if(failure == spin_retstatus)              iret=error_getting;          log_msg(g_log_fp,log_debug,"crash debug:: spin_retstatus: %d,iret= %d",spin_retstatus,iret);     } ... /* i'm performing actions based on above return values */ }  int contact_event_type_over_udp (char *cl_addr, char** domain_name, loc_info *location_info, int ati_req_type) {       int call_ret =0;       /* other variables */        if(cl_addr == null)       {            log_msg (g_log_fp, log_warning, "error: invalid msisdn.") ;            call_ret = failure ;            goto end_req_buff;       }       else       {             /* code @ end return success there no failure case in else loop*/             call_ret = success;             goto end_req_buff;       }        end_req_buff:           /* freeing pointer buffers */           return call_ret; } 

here output (note: i'm getting output in times, remaining time i'm getting output expected based on code)

14-07-2015 07:31:41 [176028528] establishing connection 14-07-2015 07:31:41 [176028528] crash debug:: call_ret [1] mms.mtn.com.gh 14-07-2015 07:31:41 [176028528] crash debug:: spin_retstatus: 1, iret=-203 

this copied log file , here 2nd statement return value of "contact_event_type_over_udp" function , i'm getting return value 1 (which success #define) i'm getting iret value -203.

i'm analysing possible situations didn't in case iret getting error_getting value (the number in [] thread process identify same thread or different thread , here i'm giving outputs based on same thread)

here other case getting values based on condition:

14-07-2015 07:37:17 [176028528] establishing connection 14-07-2015 07:37:17 [176028528] crash debug:: call_ret [1] mms.mtn.com.gh 14-07-2015 07:37:17 [176028528] crash debug:: spin_retstatus: 1, iret=0   14-07-2015 07:38:41 [176028528] crash debug:: call_ret [-1] 14-07-2015 07:38:41 [176028528] crash debug:: spin_retstatus: -1, iret=-203 

somebody please me solve issue, if need more code i'll provide 'iret' variable never used places (whatever give code portion contains iret variable)
