c# - AppointmentManager.RequestStoreAsync throws system.unauthorizedaccessexception in Windows Phone -

i trying access appointments windows phone calendar

public async task <appointmentstore> getappointments()     {          appointmentstore appointmentstore = await  appointmentmanager.requeststoreasync(appointmentstoreaccesstype.allcalendarsreadonly);         return appointmentstore;      } 

i have "enabled" "appointments" in capabilities tab of packagemanifest file. in other solutions on stack overflow suggested enable required permission did. have ran visual studio administrator. however, system continues throws same unauthorized access exception.

when using appointmentstoreaccesstype.appcalendarsreadwrite no exceptions thrown.

using appointmentstoreaccesstype.allcalendarsreadonly throws unauthorized exception. not harmful, doesn't make app crash. means don't have changetracker property.

you can still use appointmentstore object , list of appointments , other things. check screenshot.enter image description here

i hope can proceed on project now?
