ios - xcode command line test with argument passed at launch -

i have small problem implementing xcodebuild command test @ ci. have tests related specific device language, in xcode can set "arguments passed on launch" -applelanguages (language). can pass argument using xcodebuild?

my script looks

xcodebuild -workspace myapp.xcworkspace -scheme "myapptests" -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=ios simulator,name=iphone 6,os=9.0' test 


xcodebuild build app. can use command run app specific language.

xcrun simctl launch <deviceid> <appid> -applelanguages "(pt-br)" 

hera sample steps buil , run app:

xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator8.4 -arch i386 install dstroot=yourappfolder xcrun instruments -w "iphone 6 (8.4 simulator)" xcrun simctl install booted yourappfolder/applications/ xcrun simctl launch booted com.yourdomain.yourapp -applelanguages "(pt-br)" 


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