(Appium - JavaScript - Mocha - Promises) Returns "{state:'pending'}" instead of element text -

i attempting access text within element. anytime return value of function or store results in variable, "{state:'pending'}" when printing console. does have idea of doing incorrectly? please, excuse ignorance.

describe('end end single declined applicant', function endtoend(){ var browser; //initialize session     before('establishing server connection', function establishconnection(){         browser = wd.promisechainremote("", 4723)         return browser.init(desired)         .then(function goodconnection(){             console.log("connection established")         },function badconnection(){             console.log("connection failed")         });     });      describe('login page', function loginpage(){     it('should login valid credentials', function interactwithpage(){         this.timeout(maxwait)         //check if element available         return browser.waitforelementbyid(objectrepo.loginobjects.androiduseridfield, wait, pollrate)         .then(function enteruserid(){             //input text             return browser.elementbyid(objectrepo.loginobjects.androiduseridfield).type(objectrepo.myinputs.userid)         })         .then(function getuserid(){               //get text attribute             return browser.elementbyid(objectrepo.loginobjects.androiduseridfield).getattribute("text")         })         .then(function fulfilledpromise(){             console.log(getuserid())             console.log("working")         },function rejectedpromise(){             //if promise in chain rejected             console.log("not working")         })     }); }); 


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