algorithm - How to reverse (mirror) a recursive binary search tree's subtrees -
i trying write binary search tree in java. bst takes number of "keywords" , inserts them tree using recursive methods.
unfortunately, seems adding them backwards, e.x. right side higher letters (a-c...) left side (x-z...).
i cannot figure out how correctly reverse logic.
here insertion code:
/** * method creates new record thefiledata. * recursive insertion method, adds recordtoadd list of records * node associated thekeyword. * * if there no keyword, create new node it. * * @param thekeyword keyword associate new record. * @param thefiledata file data associate new record. */ public void insert(string thekeyword, filedata fd) { if (fd == null) { throw new nullpointerexception("invalid file data."); } if (thekeyword == null) { throw new nullpointerexception("invalid keyword."); } thekeyword = thekeyword.tolowercase(); record recordtoadd = new record(,, fd.title, null); // step 1 find node keyword thekeyword. give correct list insert into. if (root == null) { /* * if tree empty, create new node root. * node has record added it's records list. */ node newnode = new node(thekeyword); newnode.update(recordtoadd); root = newnode; } else if (!contains(thekeyword)) { node newnode = new node(thekeyword); newnode.update(recordtoadd); insert(root, newnode); } else { node target = find(thekeyword, root); target.update(recordtoadd); } } /** * recursive insertion helper method allows , add new node object * our bst. */ private node insert(node theparent, node thenode) { if (theparent == null) { return thenode; } else if (thenode.keyword.compareto(theparent.keyword) < 0) { theparent.right = insert(theparent.right, thenode); } else if (thenode.keyword.compareto(theparent.keyword) > 0) { theparent.left = insert(theparent.left, thenode); } return theparent; } /** * helper method searches given keyword, returning node when found. * * @return node containing keyword looking for. else null. */ private node find(string keyword, node root) { if (keyword == null) { throw new illegalargumentexception("invalid keyword."); } if (root == null) { return null; } keyword = keyword.tolowercase(); if (keyword.compareto(root.keyword) > 0) { return find(keyword, root.left); } if (keyword.compareto(root.keyword) < 0) { return find(keyword, root.right); } return root; } /** * method calls find helper method. if find returns null, know value not exist. * * @param keyword keyword search for. * @return true or false depending on if keyword exists in bst. */ public boolean contains(string keyword) { keyword = keyword.tolowercase(); if (find(keyword, root) != null) { return true; // if keyword exists. } return false; }
strong text
here graphic representation of tree:
| | |-------blobs
| |-------buildings
| | | |-------causal-relationships
| | | | |-------classification-rules
| | |-------clustering
| |-------data-mining
| | |-------distance-measures
| | | |-------image-display
| |-------image-management
| | | |-------image-stack
| | | | | |-------indexing
| | | | | | | |-------information-retrieval
| | | | | | |-------instance-based
| | | | | | | |-------instance-based
| | | | |-------knowledge
| | |-------lines
| |-------matching
| | | | | |-------multimedia
| | | | | | |-------neural-networks
| | | | |-------pose
| | | |-------pruning
| | | | |-------queries
| | |-------query-by-example
| | | | |-------query-trees
| | | |-------recognition
| | | | | |-------region-based
| | | | | | |-------relational
| | | | |-------search
| | | | | |-------similarity
| | | | | | | |-------spatial
| | | | | | | | |-------temporal
| | | | | | | | | |-------time-related
| | | | | | |-------triangle-inequality
| | | | | | | |-------weighting
blobs should on left, matching should on right, etc.
in code, reverse < , >. code reads
private node insert(node theparent, node thenode) { if (theparent == null) { return thenode; } else if (thenode.keyword.compareto(theparent.keyword) > 0) { theparent.right = insert(theparent.right, thenode); } else if (thenode.keyword.compareto(theparent.keyword) < 0) { theparent.left = insert(theparent.left, thenode); } return theparent; }
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