grails 3.0.3 with asset-pipeline-gradle:2.3.8 is not working after unzip the deploy war file -

  1. i create new grails app
  2. i change asset-pipeline-gradle version 2.3.8
  3. i deploy application command

grails dev war

  1. i run command

java -jar app.0.1.war

and works fun, css js , images work ok

  1. and if unzip war file , copy files custom tomcat fold, tomcat startup normally, css, js can not display

can me, speed me 2 days reappear issue

according issues asset-pipeline , grails-core, can specify asset-pipeline verion in build.gradle

runtime "org.grails.plugins:asset-pipeline:3.0.1"

or wait grails 3.0.6
