r - Get matching lines from a character and plot ts -

i have data frame columns dates, volumes, , companies. know how keep 1 line each company?

grep returns number of lines, how can full line please?

besides how can plot these volumes per companies on 1 single time series plot please?

i found plot.ts can't while don't have volumes per companies if plot.ts full data set not make difference between companies , have wrong time serie (many points single date)

i have plot this: time series plot instead of "websites" have "volumes" , instead of "shoes,socks,lace" have name of companies/subjects

or svolumes time series plot 2

that's how data looks like:

> head(data)             date time subject  sscore  smean svscore sdispersion svolume  sbuzz    last close 1 2015-07-08 09:10:00     mmm -0.2280 0.2593 -0.2795       0.375       8 0.6026 155.430000000 2 2015-07-08 09:10:00     ace -0.4415 0.3521 -0.0374       0.500       4 0.7200 104.460000000 3 2015-07-07 09:10:00     aes  1.9821 0.0233  1.1743       1.000       1 1.9445  13.200000000 4 2015-07-04 09:10:00     afl -2.9335 0.0035 -0.2975       1.000       1 0.8321  61.960000000 5 2015-07-07 09:10:00     mmm  0.2977 0.2713 -0.7436       0.400       5 0.4895 155.080000000 6 2015-07-07 09:10:00     ace -0.2331 0.3519 -0.1118       1.000       3 0.7196 103.330000000          company name       date 1          3m company 2015-07-08 2         ace limited 2015-07-08 3 aes corporation 2015-07-07 4          aflac inc. 2015-07-04 5          3m company 2015-07-07 6         ace limited 2015-07-07 

thank much!

i'm not yet totally clear have , want. it's difficult without reproducible example!

i assume want summarize data company , date. achieve using data.table package:

library(data.table) setdt(data) newdata<-data[,.(volume=sum(svolume)),by=.("company name",date)] # notice can use other function instead of sum. mean, mention 1 

once have newdata object, can try plot ggplot2:

library(ggplot2) library(scales) pl<-ggplot(newdata,aes(x=date,y=volume,group=`company name`))+geom_line()+scale_x_date(format="%d-%m-%y") pl 

this solution intends general (as desired output not defined in question), might require minor adjustments.
