javascript - Nested promise returns undefined -

i'm trying write tests cucumber.js using protractor , chai-as-promised.

in page object have these fragments of code:

var menusonlistelements = element.all(by.repeater('menu in menus').column(''))  this.ismenulisted = function(menu) {     return menusonlistelements.each(function(element) {         return element.gettext().then(function (name) {             if ( === name) {                 return true; //this executed             }         });     }); }; 

and in step definition code do:

var menu = {}; = 'abc'; expect(new menuspage().ismenulisted(menu)); 

when run test get

expected undefined true

which means ismenulisted method returned undefined instead of true. however, debugged , can see 'return true;' statement executed.

am missing how promises work in case?

alternatively, can apply reduce() here:

this.ismenulisted = function(menu) {     return menusonlistelements.reduce(function(acc, element) {         return element.gettext().then(function (name) {             return acc || === name;         }, false);     }); }; 

the drawback here go through every single element in menusonlistelements , don't stop if find matching menu. aside that, reduce() resolve here in true or false defines if menu listed or not.


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