Facebook Graph API /me/Feed V2.4 vs V2.3 -

i'm trying access feeds facebook user using graph api .

however i'm getting quite different responses v2.3 v2.4 .

in version 2.4 using instruction / me / feed not receive complete information of posts returns fields , while in previous version had access information. can seen difference in following answers.


{ "data": [     {       "message": "a brincar com o xico zé.. ;)",       "created_time": "2015-07-11t18:23:59+0000",       "id": "10153293007088673_120153297333223673"     },     {       "message": "ana simões e pedro simões este é que é bom para liliana assunção..",       "story": "diogo lopes shared classic hits 4fm's video.",       "created_time": "2015-07-11t14:20:59+0000",       "id": "10153293007088673_1360153296966998673"     } ],   "paging": {     . . .   } } 


{   "data": [     {       "id": "10153129496378673_120153297333223673",       "from": {         "name": "diogo lopes",         "id": "10153129496378673"       },       "message": "a brincar com o xico zé.. ;)",       "picture": "",       "link": "",       "name": "diogo lopes on instagram: “a brincar com o xico zé.. ;)”",       "caption": "diogo lopes on instagram: “a brincar com o xico zé.. ;)”",       "description": "a brincar com o xico zé.. ;)",       "icon": "https://www.facebook.com/images/icons/post.gif",       "actions": [ . . .       ],       "privacy": {         "value": "all_friends",         "description": "your friends",         "friends": "",         "allow": "",         "deny": ""       },       "type": "photo",       "status_type": "added_photos",       "object_id": "120153297333233673",       "application": {         ". . ."       },       "created_time": "2015-07-11t18:23:59+0000",       "updated_time": "2015-07-12t20:50:19+0000",       "is_hidden": false,       "subscribed": true,       "is_expired": false,       "likes": {         . . .         ],         "paging": {           . . .         }       },       "comments": {         "data": [          . . .         ],         "paging": {           . . .         }       }     },     {       "id": "10153129496378673_1360153296966998673",       "from": {         "name": "diogo lopes",         "id": "10153129496378673"       },       "to": {         . . .      },       "message": "………....",       "message_tags": { . . .       },       "story": "diogo lopes shared classic hits 4fm's video.",       "story_tags": {         "0": [           {             "id": "10153129496378673",             "name": "diogo lopes",             "type": "user",             "offset": 0,             "length": 11           }         ],         "19": [           {             "id": "125659037470226",             "name": "classic hits 4fm",             "type": "page",             "offset": 19,             "length": 16           }         ],         "38": [           {             "id": "874724002563722",             "name": "",             "offset": 38,             "length": 5           }         ]       },       "picture": "https://fbcdn-vthumb-a.akamaihd.net/hvthumb-ak-xta1/v/t15.0-10/s130x130/11331624_874724179230371_2123630990_n.jpg?oh=701da51ed6690c70ba8d3e7ba5cbb58c&oe=56273ffc&__gda__=1448812275_e37392fe85f01402fa0565b0086df710",       "link": "https://www.facebook.com/classichits4fm/videos/874724002563722/",       "source": "https://video.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xtp1/v/t42.1790-2/11656282_889978921061393_14476072_n.mp4?efg=eyjybhiiojq4ncwicmxhijo1mtj9&rl=484&vabr=269&oh=a4e7e8ec985cf5374082e5c9639d5b06&oe=55a5ed2c",       "name": "classic hits 4fm",       "description": "a giant nope!!!  go on swiss ride?",       "actions": [ . . .       ],       "privacy": {         "value": "everyone",         "description": "public",         "friends": "",         "allow": "",         "deny": ""       },       "type": "video",       "status_type": "mobile_status_update",       "created_time": "2015-07-11t14:20:59+0000",       "updated_time": "2015-07-11t21:28:06+0000",       "is_hidden": false,       "subscribed": true,       "is_expired": false,       "likes": {         . . .         ],         "paging": { . . . }       },       "comments": { } … } 

someone can me know how can similar response in v2.4 v2.3??

obs. facebook aplication have user_posts permission.

since upgrade in graph api i.e. version 2.4. have pass fields parameter relevant keyword of which, data retrieve.

please refer this document of facebook developers

changes v2.3 v2.4

declarative fields

to try improve performance on mobile networks, nodes , edges in v2.4 requires explicitly request field(s) need requests. example, /v2.4/me/feed no longer includes likes , comments default, /v2.4/me/feed?fields=comments,likes return data. more details see docs on how request specific fields.

an example of v2.4:

