Laravel Sentinel referencing the wrong config file -

so im using cartalyst sentinel manage authentication , roles in laravel 5.1. @ first downloaded package , adding additional query scopes , defining relations in vendor/../eloquentuser class. composer updated package today , naturally code removed. @ point realized needed have own user class extended eloquentuser , modify published config file use own user class. seems sentinel using config file within /vendor directory because when modify 1 use user model, works, query scopes , relations start work on users. changing published config has no effect on application.

im new laravel , composer , all, coming codeigniter, maybe doing wrong or messed while setting up?

there's steps setup laravel here:

for laravel 5.1 i've made couple changes

edit config/app.php:

$providers array


$aliases array

'activation' => cartalyst\sentinel\laravel\facades\activation::class, 'reminder'   => cartalyst\sentinel\laravel\facades\reminder::class, 'sentinel'   => cartalyst\sentinel\laravel\facades\sentinel::class, 

run command publish needed migrations , application config project folders

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="cartalyst\sentinel\laravel\sentinelserviceprovider" 

i've documented how extend eloquent user here

use cartalyst\sentinel\users\eloquentuser sentineluser;  class user extends sentineluser {  } 

tell sentinel user model you're using in published config file config/cartalyst.sentinel.php

'users' => [      'model' => 'namespace\user',  ], 
