python - regex help - delimiters -

- dropbox login fix - updated iris viewer * other aspects improved + fix crash on viewing update  ? photos in notes support copy, cut , paste - long pressing photo in note, can access context menu copy, cut , paste of photo. photo can pasted place in text of notes. version? please take time leave review whenever update app. 

i need retrieve sentences delimiters (-, *, + , others use below). looking output like:

['dropbox login fix', 'updated iris viewer', 'other aspects improved', 'fix crash on viewing update', photos in notes support copy, cut , paste - long pressing photo in note, can access context menu copy, cut , paste of photo. photo can pasted place in text of notes.'] 

using regex like:

r = re.split(r'(?m)\s*^[-*:;+&.?]+\s*|\.$',txt) 

but returns last line, don't want. sort of free text without delimiter may/may not present in text working with.

don't use split this. use regex:


in re.findall() function matches.

regex demo
