Rails paperclip increasing GIF size -

i have rails app allows users upload gifs. find resized images larger in size original upload.

this found after searching on internet.

but how implement paperclip , rails?

my model app/models/gif.rb

class gif < activerecord::base    has_attached_file :upload, :styles => { :medium => "500x500#", :thumb => "150x150#" }, :default_url => "default.gif"  end 

i don't have config.paperclip_defaults set in of configuration files.

so here's did.

has_attached_file :upload,   :styles => {     :medium => "500x500#",     :thumb => "150x150#"   },   :default_url => "default.gif",   :convert_options => {     :medium => "-layers optimize",     :thumb => "-layers optimize"   } 


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