php - If I do not update any information in my update form and click "Save" button,the valu of my database auto increase -

i in learning stage in php.please me update form.advanced thanks. have form update user information button "save" , "reset" button.i update information version number increase.but problem when not update information , click on "save" button version number should not increase.i giving controller , form code....

public function actioncreate() {     $model=new cvupload;     $model2=new cvupload;      $usertype=new usertype;     $cvhistory=new cvhistory;     $this->performajaxvalidation($model);      if(!empty($_post))     {          $id = $_post['cvupload']['user_id'];         $cv_type = $_post['cvupload']['cv_type'];         $criteria = new cdbcriteria();         $criteria->condition = "user_id = $id , is_current='yes' , cv_type='$cv_type'";         $cvuploadmodel = cvupload::model()->find($criteria);             if(!empty($cvuploadmodel))         {             $cvuploadmodel->is_current='no';             $cvuploadmodel->status='inactive';             if($cvuploadmodel->save(false)){                 $model->attributes=$_post['cvupload'];                 $model->upload_date = new cdbexpression("now()");                 $model->update_date = new cdbexpression("now()");                    $model->version_id = $cvuploadmodel->version_id+1;                 if($model->save(false))                 {                     $cvhistory->cv_id  = $model->cv_id;                     $cvhistory->user_id  = $model->user_id;                     $cvhistory->job_title_id  = $model->job_title_id;                     $cvhistory->cv_type  = $model->cv_type;                     $cvhistory->version_id  = $model->version_id;                     $cvhistory->file_name  = $model->file_name;                     $cvhistory->upload_date  = $model->upload_date;                     $cvhistory->update_date  = $model->update_date;                     $cvhistory->is_current  = $model->is_current;                     $cvhistory->status  = $model->status;                      if($cvhistory->save(false))                     {                         $this->redirect(array('view','id'=>$model->cv_id));                     }                 }                }            }         else         {                $model->attributes=$_post['cvupload'];             $model->upload_date = new cdbexpression("now()");             $model->update_date = new cdbexpression("now()");             $model->version_id=1;              if($model->save())             {                 $cvhistory->cv_id  = $model->cv_id;                 $cvhistory->user_id  = $model->user_id;                 $cvhistory->job_title_id  = $model->job_title_id;                 $cvhistory->cv_type  = $model->cv_type;                 $cvhistory->version_id  = $model->version_id;                 $cvhistory->file_name  = $model->file_name;                 $cvhistory->upload_date  = $model->upload_date;                 $cvhistory->update_date  = $model->update_date;                 $cvhistory->is_current  = $model->is_current;                 $cvhistory->status  = $model->status;                  if($cvhistory->save(false))                 {                     $this->redirect(array('view','id'=>$model->cv_id));                 }             }         }     }     $this->render('create',array(         'model'=>$model,         'usertype'=>$usertype,         'cvhistory'=>$cvhistory,     )); } public function actionupdate($id) {     $model=$this->loadmodel($id);     $cvhistory=new cvhistory;     if(isset($_post['cvupload']))      {         $model->attributes=$_post['cvupload'];         if($model->save())         {             $criteria = new cdbcriteria();             $criteria->condition = "cv_id = $model->cv_id , is_current = 'yes'";             $cvhistory = cvhistory::model()->find($criteria);             $cvhistory->is_current = 'no';             $cvhistory->status = 'inactive';          if($cvhistory->save(false))         {             $new_cvhistory=new cvhistory;              $new_cvhistory->cv_id  = $model->cv_id;             $new_cvhistory->user_id  = $model->user_id;             $new_cvhistory->job_title_id  = $model->job_title_id;             $new_cvhistory->cv_type  = $model->cv_type;             $new_cvhistory->version_id  = $cvhistory->version_id+1;             $model->version_id = $new_cvhistory->version_id ;             $new_cvhistory->file_name  = $model->file_name;             $new_cvhistory->upload_date  = $model->upload_date;             $new_cvhistory->update_date  = new cdbexpression("now()");             $model->update_date = $new_cvhistory->update_date ;              $new_cvhistory->status  = $model->status;             $new_cvhistory->is_current  = "yes";             $new_cvhistory->save(false);             $model->save(false);             if($new_cvhistory->save(false))$this->redirect(array('view','id'=>$model->cv_id));          }          }        }      $this->render('update',array(         'model'=>$model,         'cvhistory'=>$cvhistory,      )); } 

my form button code:

  <style>     #type {         background-color:#f5f5f5;         font-family: 'arial';         font-size: 20px;         text-decoration: none;             color:#b2b2b2;         border:none;             float: right;     }      div.form label {         display: block;         font-size: 1em;         font-weight: bold;     }      .types-add{         float: right;     }       #type:hover {         border: none;         }  </style>  <?php if (yii::app()->user->hasflash('created')): ?>         <div class="flash-success">             <?php echo yii::app()->user->getflash('created'); ?>         </div> <?php endif; ?>  <div class="form">      <?php $form=$this->beginwidget(         'booster.widgets.tbactiveform',          array(             'id'=>'cvupload-form',             'type' => 'horizontal',         'htmloptions' => array(             'class' => 'well',             'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data',         )         ));      ?>     <fieldset>   <h1 align="center">cv upload</h1>     <p class="note">fields <span class="required">*</span> required.</p>      <?php echo $form->errorsummary($model); ?>   <div class="row">     <?php     $criteria=new cdbcriteria();         echo $form->dropdownlistgroup(                 $model,                 'user_id',                 array(                     'wrapperhtmloptions' => array(                         'class' => 'col-sm-5',                     ),                     'widgetoptions' => array(                         'data' => chtml::listdata(user::model()->findall($criteria), 'id', 'user_id'),                         'dataprovider'=>$model->searchbyuserid(yii::app()->user->getid()),                         'htmloptions' => array('prompt'=>'select'),                     )                  )             ); ?>     </div>             <div class="row" id="jobtitle">         <?php              $criteria = new cdbcriteria;             $criteria->condition = "status= 'active'";             echo $form->dropdownlistgroup(                 $model,                 'job_title_id',                 array(                     'wrapperhtmloptions' => array(                         'class' => 'col-sm-5',                     ),                     'widgetoptions' => array(                         'data' => chtml::listdata(jobtitle::model()->findall($criteria), 'id', 'name'),                         'htmloptions' => array('prompt'=>'select job title'),                     )                  )             ); ?>     </div>      <?php  echo chtml::form($this->createurl('uploadreport'), 'post', array('enctype'=>'multipart/form-data'));?>     <label class="col-sm-3 control-label required" for="cvupload_file_name">         upload file     </label>     <div class="row" id="file_upload" style="margin-left:20%; margin-bottom:2%;">          <?php             $this->widget('cmultifileupload',array(                 'name'        => 'files',                 'accept'      => 'doc|docx|pdf',                 'max'         => 1,                 'htmloptions' => array('size' => 25),             ));                          echo chtml::htmlbutton('upload',array(             'onclick'=>'javascript: send();', // on submit call js send() function             'id'=> 'post-submit-btn', // button id 'newcreate'             'class'=>'btn btn-primary',         ));         ?>      </div>          <?php yii::app()->clientscript->registercorescript("jquery"); ?>      <script src=""></script>              <script>                 function send(){                     var formdata = new formdata($("#cvupload-form")[0]);                     $.ajax({                         url: '<?php echo yii::app()->createurl("cvupload/upload"); ?>',                         type: 'post',                         data: formdata,                         datatype:'json',                          beforesend: function() {                          },                         success: function (data) {                            $("#cvupload_file_name").val(data);                         },                          complete: function() {                          },                          error: function (data) {                             alert("there may error on uploading. try again later");                         },                         cache: false,                         contenttype: false,                         processdata: false                     });                      return false;                 }             </script>            <div class="row" id="file_name">         <?php echo $form->textfieldgroup(         $model,'file_name',            array(              'wrapperhtmloptions' => array(                'class'=> 'col-sm-5',              ),            )             );         ?>     </div>                <div class="row" id="statustype">         <?php              $status = array('active'=>'active', 'inactive'=>'inactive');             echo $form->dropdownlistgroup(                 $model,                 'status',                 array(                     'wrapperhtmloptions' => array(                         'class' => 'col-sm-5',                     ),                     'widgetoptions' => array(                         'data' => $status,                         'htmloptions' => array('prompt'=>'select status'),                     )                  )             ); ?>     </div>      <div class="row" id="statustype">      <?php              $is_current = array('yes'=>'yes', 'no'=>'no');             echo $form->dropdownlistgroup(                 $model,                 'is_current',                 array(                     'wrapperhtmloptions' => array(                         'class' => 'col-sm-5',                     ),                     'widgetoptions' => array(                         'data' => $is_current,                         'htmloptions' => array('prompt'=>'select status'),                     )                  )             ); ?>            </div>  <div class="row buttons">          <?php echo chtml::submitbutton($model->isnewrecord ? 'create' : 'save',array(          'class'=>'btn btn-primary',          'style'=>"position:relative; margin-left:25%",          'id'=> 'yt1', // button id          )); ?>     </div> </fieldset> <?php $this->endwidget(); ?>  </div><!-- form -->               <!--/*/* <div class="form">  <?php $form=$this->beginwidget('cactiveform', array(     'id'=>'cv-upload-form',      'enableajaxvalidation'=>false, )); ?>      <p class="note">fields <span class="required">*</span> required.</p>      <?php echo $form->errorsummary($model); ?>      <div class="row">         <?php echo $form->labelex($model,'user_id'); ?>         <?php echo $form->textfield($model,'user_id',array('size'=>20,'maxlength'=>20)); ?>         <?php echo $form->error($model,'user_id'); ?>     </div>      <div class="row">         <?php echo $form->labelex($model,'upload_date');enter code here ?>         <?php echo $form->textfield($model,'upload_date'); ?>         <?php echo $form->error($model,'upload_date'); ?>     </div>      <div class="row">         <?php echo $form->labelex($model,'file_name'); ?>         <?php echo $form->textfield($model,'file_name',array('size'=>60,'maxlength'=>150)); ?>         <?php echo $form->error($model,'file_name'); ?>     </div>      <div class="row">         <?php echo $form->labelex($model,'file_location'); ?>         <?php echo $form->textfield($model,'file_location',array('size'=>60,'maxlength'=>150)); ?>         <?php echo $form->error($model,'file_location'); ?>     </div>      <div class="row buttons">         <?php echo chtml::submitbutton($model->isnewrecord ? 'create' : 'save'); ?>     </div>  <?php $this->endwidget(); ?>  </div><!-- form --> 

if don't change form values, doesn't mean data wouldn't sended server.

here @ least button save sended, case true:


you didn't show whole form, suggest fields user_id , cv_type has values (no mater values changed or not, if form has fields submited)

$id = $_post['cvupload']['user_id']; $cv_type = $_post['cvupload']['cv_type']; 

that's why model $cvuploadmodel = cvupload::model()->find($criteria); loads , increament version_id


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