WMI C++ get data from object -
i implemented 1-5 steps : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa390423(v=vs.85).aspx everyting works, have problem getting data object retreive query.
my code:
// step 1: -------------------------------------------------- // initialize com. ------------------------------------------ hres = coinitializeex(0, coinit_multithreaded); if (failed(hres)) { //cout << "failed initialize com library. error code = 0x" // << hex << hres << endl; return 1; // program has failed. } // step 2: -------------------------------------------------- // set general com security levels -------------------------- hres = coinitializesecurity( null, -1, // com authentication null, // authentication services null, // reserved rpc_c_authn_level_default, // default authentication rpc_c_imp_level_impersonate, // default impersonation null, // authentication info eoac_none, // additional capabilities null // reserved ); if (failed(hres)) { //cout << "failed initialize security. error code = 0x" // << hex << hres << endl; couninitialize(); return 1; // program has failed. } // step 3: --------------------------------------------------- // obtain initial locator wmi ------------------------- ploc = null; hres = cocreateinstance( clsid_wbemlocator, 0, clsctx_inproc_server, iid_iwbemlocator, (lpvoid *) &ploc); if (failed(hres)) { //cout << "failed create iwbemlocator object." // << " err code = 0x" // << hex << hres << endl; couninitialize(); return 1; // program has failed. } // step 4: ----------------------------------------------------- // connect wmi through iwbemlocator::connectserver method psvc = null; // connect root\cimv2 namespace // current user , obtain pointer psvc // make iwbemservices calls. hres = ploc->connectserver( _bstr_t(l"root\\cimv2"), // object path of wmi namespace null, // user name. null = current user null, // user password. null = current 0, // locale. null indicates current null, // security flags. 0, // authority (for example, kerberos) 0, // context object &psvc // pointer iwbemservices proxy ); if (failed(hres)) { //cout << "could not connect. error code = 0x" // << hex << hres << endl; ploc->release(); couninitialize(); return 1; // program has failed. } //outputdebugstring("connected root\\cimv2 wmi namespace"); // step 5: -------------------------------------------------- // set security levels on proxy ------------------------- hres = cosetproxyblanket( psvc, // indicates proxy set rpc_c_authn_winnt, // rpc_c_authn_xxx rpc_c_authz_none, // rpc_c_authz_xxx null, // server principal name rpc_c_authn_level_call, // rpc_c_authn_level_xxx rpc_c_imp_level_impersonate, // rpc_c_imp_level_xxx null, // client identity eoac_none // proxy capabilities ); if (failed(hres)) { cout << "could not set proxy blanket. error code = 0x" << hex << hres << endl; psvc->release(); ploc->release(); couninitialize(); return 1; // program has failed. }
code above same msdn example.
problem here:
// inserted usb devices ienumwbemclassobject* penumerator = null; hres = psvc->execquery( bstr_t("wql"), bstr_t("select * win32_usbcontrollerdevice"), wbem_flag_forward_only | wbem_flag_return_immediately, null, &penumerator); if (failed(hres)) { //cout << "query usb devices @ startup failed." // << " error code = 0x" // << hex << hres << endl; psvc->release(); ploc->release(); couninitialize(); return 1; // program has failed. } // data query iwbemclassobject *pclsobj = null; ulong ureturn = 0; ostringstream os; while (penumerator){ hresult hr = penumerator->next(wbem_infinite, 1, &pclsobj, &ureturn); if(0 == ureturn){ break; } variant vtprop; variantinit(&vtprop); // value of accessstate property hr = pclsobj->get(l"dependent", 0, &vtprop, 0, 0); if (failed(hr)){ psvc->release(); ploc->release(); couninitialize(); return 1; // program has failed. } os.str(""); os.clear(); os << vtprop.bstrval; outputdebugstring(os.str().c_str()); adddevice(os.str());//add device devices vector variantclear(&vtprop); pclsobj->release(); }
exactly in place:
hr = pclsobj->get(l"dependent", 0, &vtprop, 0, 0);
this link describes table elements: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394505(v=vs.85).aspx got dependent value. problem how dependent properties: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa387884(v=vs.85).aspx example : deviceid if can very grateful!
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