ios - LinkedIn Sharing Oauth 2 with Swift -

i have tried following:

with authenticate user properly, while getting following error message server on sharing:

error domain=nsurlerrordomain code=400 "http status 400: bad request, response: {   "errorcode": 0,   "message": "couldn't parse share document: error: unexpected end of file after null",   "requestid": "3tyec50y29",   "status": 400,   "timestamp": 1436863874989 }" 

here how pass parameter http body:

let thejsondata = nsjsonserialization.datawithjsonobject(                 parameters ,                 options: nsjsonwritingoptions(0),                 error: nil) let thejsontext = nsstring(data: thejsondata!,                 encoding: nsasciistringencoding) var bodydata : nsdata = thejsontext!.datausingencoding(nsasciistringencoding, allowlossyconversion: true)! request.httpbody = bodydata 

already checked thejsontext valid json. unable keep maintain session that. need login every time trying share.


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