node.js - How come Mongoose return empty document when find by id of an array? -

the schema that:

var feedschema = new mongoose.schema({   id: {type: number},   following: [] }); 

and code using promise simple:

  var feed = require("/models/feed");    return feed.find({"following" : id}).exec(); 

i have data this:

{  id:1, following: [2,3,4] } 

but when set id query, doesn't return anything. idea?

it should working, providing example works ok, can contrast logic 1 , know part problem.

var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var schema = mongoose.schema;  mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/murvinlai');  var feedschema = new schema({   id: number,   following: [number] });  var feed = mongoose.model('feed', feedschema);  var newfeed = {   id: 1,   following: [2, 3, 4] };  createfeed(newfeed, function(err, feed) {   if (err) throw err;    findfeedbyfollowingarray(2).then(function(feeds) {     console.log(feeds);      //  [ { _id: 55a486a11ef682b41e13e82a,     //      id: 1,     //      __v: 0,     //     following: [ 2, 3, 4 ] } ]         }); });  function createfeed(feed, cb) {   feed.create(feed, function(err, feed) {     if (err) { return cb(err); }     if (!feed) { return cb(new error('feed not created')); }      cb(null, feed);   }); }  function findfeedbyfollowingarray(id) {   return feed     .find({following: id})     .exec(); } 


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