Access vm property in AngularJS directive with ControllerAs inside controller -

in question got this answer. (demo:

the source this:

var app = angular.module('plunker', []);  app.controller('mainctrl', function($scope, $timeout) {     this.scenarios = []     $timeout(function() {          this.scenarios.push({name: 21});         }.bind(this), 1000); });  mydirectivecontroller.$inject = [];  function mydirectivecontroller() {      var vm = this;      // code of question... }  app.directive('mydirective', function() {      return {         restrict: 'e',         template: '<div>{{vm.scenarios[0].name}}</div>',         scope: {         scenarios: '='         },         controller: mydirectivecontroller,         controlleras: 'vm',         bindtocontroller: true,         replace: true     } }); 


<body ng-controller="mainctrl vm">     {{vm.scenarios}}     <my-directive scenarios="vm.scenarios"></my-directive> </body> 

my question is, how can access vm.scenarios in controller?

var vm = this; console.log(vm.scenarios); // returns [] 

when log this:

var vm = this; console.log(vm); 

it returns object { scenarios: array[0] }, when inspect in browser, scenarios contains value expected because has been updated after timeout of 1 second.

but need map scenarios inside controller when they're bound scenario property:

vm.myscenarios = {       // ....  }) 

how can this? should watch vm.scenarios changes?


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