c++ - First example in OpenGL 4.0 Shading Language Cookbook -
i started learn glsl yesterday , followed first example in opengl 4.0 shading language cookbook draw triangle step step.
here codes:
#version 400 in vec3 vertexposition; in vec3 vertexcolor; out vec3 color; void main() { color = vertexcolor; gl_position = vec4(vertexposition, 1.0); }
#version 400 in vec3 color; out vec4 fragcolor; void main(){ fragcolor = vec4(color, 1.0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { glutinit(&argc, argv); glutinitdisplaymode(glut_rgba | glut_double); glutinitwindowsize(500, 500); glutcreatewindow("project1"); glutdisplayfunc(render); glmatrixmode(gl_projection); glloadidentity(); gluortho2d(0, 100, 0, 100); glmatrixmode(gl_modelview); glloadidentity(); glenable(gl_point_smooth); // init glew glenum err = glewinit(); if (glew_ok != err){ printf("error: %s\n", glewgeterrorstring(err)); } else{ printf("ok: glew init.\n"); } // check gl version const glubyte *renderer = glgetstring(gl_renderer); const glubyte *vendor = glgetstring(gl_vendor); const glubyte *version = glgetstring(gl_version); const glubyte *glslversion = glgetstring(gl_shading_language_version); glint major, minor; glgetintegerv(gl_major_version, &major); glgetintegerv(gl_minor_version, &minor); printf("gl vendor : %s\n", vendor); printf("gl renderer : %s\n", renderer); printf("gl version (string) : %s\n", version); printf("gl version (integer): %d.%d\n", major, minor); printf("glsl version: %s\n", glslversion); // vertex shader gluint vertshader = createandcompileshader("shader.vert", vertex); // fragment shader gluint fragshader = createandcompileshader("shader.frag", fragment); // program gluint programhandle = glcreateprogram(); if (programhandle == 0) { printf("error creating program object.\n"); } glattachshader(programhandle, vertshader); glattachshader(programhandle, fragshader); gllinkprogram(programhandle); glint status; glgetprogramiv(programhandle, gl_link_status, &status); if (gl_false == status){ printf("failed link shader program"); } else{ printf("ok\n"); gluseprogram(programhandle); } glutmainloop(); return exit_success; }
i create , compile shader in createandcompileshader
, status of compilation success.
and draw triangle in render
void render() { glloadidentity(); glclear(gl_color_buffer_bit | gl_depth_buffer_bit); glpushmatrix(); glbegin(gl_triangles); glcolor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); glvertex2f(20, 20); glcolor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); glvertex2f(80, 20); glcolor3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glvertex2f(50, 80); glend(); glpopmatrix(); glutswapbuffers(); }
the status of link success. however, there's nothing drawn in window. i'm sure function render
is there wrong?
is triangle visible if not bind glsl shaders?
- try
- if helps reorder glvertex2f calls (different polygon winding)
what graphics card , driver have?
- for opengl+glsl+windows
- intel unusable (especially advanced things)
- ati/amd ok these days (was worst old ati drivers)
- nvidia without problems
you not apply projection or model view matrix in vertex shader
- your modelview identity not matter
- but projection not
- that means passing non transformed coordinates fragment shader
- opengl coordinates in range
- and untransformed triangle not cover range
- so change triangle coordinates range example
- and try render (also can temporarily rem
//gluortho2d(0, 100, 0, 100);
sure - if helps reason
- change vertex shader include:
gl_position = ftransform();
- in case of core profile not option anymore
- so should pass transform matrices via uniform variables
- and multiply inside vertex shader
- see simple glsl engine example
- it have texture,normal maping,3 lights,...
- and see understanding homogenous 4x4 transform matrices
[edit1] using glvertex
instead vao
should use compatibility
// vertex shader #version 400 compatibility out vec3 color; void main() { color = gl_color.rgb; gl_position = ftransform(); }
- that should trick ...
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