design - Communication between Java web applications -

i have multiple java web applications deployed on same server (wildfly).

they should use single websocket implementation send messages (object, not plain text) user.

edit: webapp1-3 applications business logic. purpose of webapp4 update primefaces panel in browser based on messages generated other webapps. sorry missleading illustration.

webapp1 webapp2    -->    ???    -->   webapp4 (websocket-server)   -->    js/browser webapp3 

which best way/pattern/implementation make webapp4 available other applications? (rmi, jms, websocket, webservice, ....?)

my advice, general way of exposing services, expose rest services since simpler soap web service , allow interoperability (if in future php or ruby webapp needs consume services it's easier rest interface 1 base on rmi or jms). content of rest service may vary, suggest @ xml or json way of transmitting information on http rest services.
