angularjs - Use ng-bind-html-unsafe with expression containing brackets -

for angular render expression in template has hyphen property name brackets must used instead of dot. example docs["paragraph-content"] instead of docs.paragraph-content. trying print variable inside ng-bind-html-unsafe ng-bind-html-unsafe="doc["paragraph-content"]" inside directive template getting syntax error , error: syntax error: token 'undefined' not primary expression @ column nan of expression [doc[] starting @ [doc[].

      template: '<div>' +             '<input ng-model="query" placeholder="check face" name="search"></input>' +             '<h2 id="search-list-title" class="list-header-title">search results {{query}}</h2>' +             '<form id="search-list-form" class="list-row list-form" ng-repeat="doc in">' +             '  <a  id="search-item-title" class="list-element list-title" href="retrieve-graph?id={{}}"><p>{{doc["paragraph-subject"]}}</p></a>'  +             ' <p id="search-item-content" class= "list-element list-content" ng-bind-html-unsafe="doc["paragraph-content"]"></p>'  +             '  <p id="search-item-id" class= "list-email list-element">{{doc["user-email"]}}</p>'  +             '  <!--<p>{{doc.title}}</p>-->'  +             '  <!--urls point user paragraph list , goes specific paragraph through anchor link'  +             ' <!--need create form inserts id parameter can query , display on template page <p><a target="_blank" href="{{}}"> {{doc.url}}</a></p>-->' +             ' <br>'+             '</form>'+             '</div>'             , 
