javascript - Is it possible to ng-repeat incrementing $index by an arbitrary number? -
i have template:
<div class="choice-pair" ng-repeat="choicepair in pastchoices track $index" ng-init="p1result = getp1result(choicepair); choicenum = $index + 1;"> <div class="turn-count cell"><strong>{{choicenum}}</strong></div> <div class="p1 cell" ng-class="{win: p1result === 1, lose: p1result === -1, draw: p1result === 0}"><strong>{{choicepair[0]}}</strong></div> <div class="p2 cell" ng-class="{win: p1result === -1, lose: p1result === 1, draw: p1result === 0}"><strong>{{choicepair[1]}}</strong></div> </div>
pastchoices array containing sub arrays of length 2 example:
[['a', 'b'],['b', 'c'],['a', 'a'],['c', 'a']]
but due need change data storage type on server have had flatten structure pastchoices inlined:
['a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'a', 'c', 'a']
is possible me make small change template iterate on new pastchoices format incrementing 2, can select out choice pairs like:
<div class="choice-pair" ng-repeat="choices in pastchoices track $index" ng-init="p1result = getp1result(pastchoices[$index], pastchoices[$index + 1]);"> <div class="turn-count cell"><strong>{{$index + 1}}</strong></div> <div class="p1 cell" ng-class="{win: p1result === 1, lose: p1result === -1, draw: p1result === 0}"><strong>{{pastchoices[$index]}}</strong></div> <div class="p2 cell" ng-class="{win: p1result === -1, lose: p1result === 1, draw: p1result === 0}"><strong>{{pastchoices[$index + 1]}}</strong></div> </div>
this looks me data want, except iterate on every element of pastchoices array, want skip odd numbered elements.
since you're not using choices
, can limit amount of results half total in ng-repeat:
<div class="choice-pair" ng-repeat="choices in (pastchoices | limitto: pastchoices.length / 2 ) track $index "> <div class="turn-count cell"><strong>{{($index * 2) + 1}}</strong></div> <div class="p1 cell" ng-class="{win: p1result === 1, lose: p1result === -1, draw: p1result === 0}"><strong>{{pastchoices[($index * 2)]}}</strong></div> <div class="p2 cell" ng-class="{win: p1result === -1, lose: p1result === 1, draw: p1result === 0}"><strong>{{pastchoices[($index * 2) + 1]}}</strong></div> </div>
this fail if array not length.
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