html - Jquery .click event handler not working for class selector in CHROME -

when try set same opacity mouseover when .click event occurs, doesn't work.

what i've tried: -different selectors (li, menu:li, li:a, .li-navclass, nav-text)

help appreciated. thank in advance!

.container {  	position: absolute;  	background:url('../images/bgpic.png');      background-repeat: no-repeat;      background-size: cover;  	margin: 0px;  	padding: 0px;  	height: 100%;  	width: 100%;  }    .wrapper {  	position: relative;  	margin: auto;  	padding: auto;  	height: 655px;  	width: 900px;  }    .titlehdr {  	margin: 0px;  	padding: 0px;	  	display: inline-block;  	width: 897px;  	height: 110px;  }    .title-div {  	display: inline-block;  	position: relative;  	height: 100%;  	width: 90px;    	margin: 0px;  	padding: 0px;  }      .title {  	position: relative;  	top: 40px;  	margin: 0px;  	padding: 0px;    	font-size: 70px;  	color: white;  	font-family: mesquite std;  	letter-spacing: 1.2px;    }    .barandgrill-div {  	display: inline-block;  	vertical-align: bottom;    }    .barandgrill-text {  	margin: 0px;  	padding: 0px;  	font-family: arial;  	font-weight: bold;    }    /*---------------nav menu----------------*/  .menu {  	padding-left: 0px;  	margin-left: 0px;  	font-size: 15px;  }    .nav-container {  	text-align: center;  	display: block;  	top: 100px;  	margin: 0px;  	padding: 0px;  	width: 900px;  	height: 40px;  	background-color: #901423;  	border-style: solid;  	border-width: 1px;  	border-color: #111111;  }    .menu {  	display: inline-block;  	text-align: center;  	margin: auto;  	padding: auto;   	list-style-type: none;    	overflow: hidden;      font-color: #000000;  }    .li-navclass {   	 border-bottom: 1px solid #000;  }      li {  	display: inline-block;  	position: relative;  	padding: 0 1em;  	font-size: 150%;  }      .nav-text {     	color: #ffffff;    	font-weight: bold;    	opacity: .3;  }      .nav-container ul {  	text-decoration: none;      word-spacing: 200px;      margin: 0px;      padding: 0px;    	font-size: 20px;    	font-family: segoe script;  }    /*---------------content----------------*/    .content {  	display: block;  	width: 900px;  	height: 500px;  	border-style: solid;  	border-width: 1px;  	background-color: #111111;  	opacity: 0.6;  }    /*---------------footer------------------*/    .foot {  	text-decoration: none;  	list-style-type: none;  	display: block;  	position: relative;  	text-align: center;  	font-size: 12px;  }    .ftr-button {  	position: relative;  	top: -5px;  	list-style: none;  	text-decoration: none;  	color: rgb(147, 104, 55);  }      .ftr-links {  	text-decoration: none;  	list-style-type: none;  }      .vert-line {  	height: 13px;  	border-right: 1px solid #909090;  }
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this because .nav-text inside tag. click link , new page opened. need preventdefault tag if dont want open new page after click.

do - note, link not work anymore:

$(".nav-text").click(function(event) {     event.preventdefault();     $(this).css("opacity", ".8"); }); 

if isn't looking for, take @ :focus in css


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