java - How to use play framework 2.4 evolutions? -

i have read documentation evolutions, play framework 2.4 evolutions not working in project. message asks confirm sql script not appear, , can`t create script. model, class user:

@entity @table(name = "account") public class user extends model { @id @constraints.required @generatedvalue(strategy = private string email;  @constraints.required private string password;  @constraints.required private string firstname;  @constraints.required private string lastname;  @constraints.required private string phone;  @manytoone private group group; } 

class group:

@entity @table(name = "group") public class group extends model {  @id @constraints.required @generatedvalue(strategy = public string name;  @onetomany(mappedby = "group") public list<user> users = new arraylist<>(); } 

i have added build.sbt:

librarydependencies ++= seq( evolutions, javajdbc, cache, javaws, "org.postgresql" % "postgresql" % "9.4-1201-jdbc41" ) 

and application.conf:

# ebean ebean.default = ["models.*"] # evolutions # ~~~~~ # can disable evolutions if needed play.evolutions.enabled=true play.evolutions.autoapply=true 

where mistake?

don't call entity "user", it's error prone (many dbs use metadata)
