command line arguments - can't pass arguements using argparse and python 3.4.2 on Windows 7 -

i've upgraded python 3.4.2 , argparse (from optparse) neither appears recognise command line options. simple test run this;  def main():     import argparse      parser = argparse.argumentparser(description='execute database query.')      parser.add_argument("-q", "--query", dest="query",                   help="name of query file run")      args = parser.parse_args()      print(args)  if __name__ == '__main__':      main() 

from command line, when run -q get_msre_for_book 

i get:


but when run within ide:

*** python 3.4.2rc1 (v3.4.2rc1:8711a0951384, sep 21 2014, 21:16:45) [msc v.1600 32 bit (intel)] on win32. ***  command line : -q get_msre_for_book namespace(query='get_msre_for_book') 

i'm trying launch script via

os.system('python.exe', '<path script> -q get_msre_for_book') 

but fails no query presented shown above. i've worked round launching using 

but i'd rather not have to. again, suggestions or ideas gratefully received.

to give closure question, these 2 comments solve problem:

there earlier questions passing commandline arguments in windows 7. solutions involve getting registry link right., e,g, "c:\python\python33\python.exe" "%1" %*.

that fixed - thank - precise registry entry needs c:\python\python33\python.exe" "%1" %" (added final double quote)
