javascript - Why is Grunt ignoring jQuery when Uglifying? -

i can't figure out why jquery being ignored when running grunt task. here looks like:

module.exports = function (grunt) {     // configuration     grunt.initconfig({         pkg: grunt.file.readjson('package.json'),         // concat         concat: {             js: {                 src: [                     'js/vendor/jquery.js',                     'js/app/graph.js',                 ],                 dest: 'app/build/js/app.js'             }         },         // uglify         uglify: {             options: {                 preservecomments: false             },             my_target: {                 files: {                     'app/build/js/app.min.js': [                             'app/build/js/app.js'                         ]                 }             }         }); }; 

when check app.js, jquery part of it, not in app.min.js. suspect wrong uglify part. not strictly necessary, jquery should included if that's you've got. test on included site sure it's not hiding somewhere in uglified code.


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