swift - Segment controller issue -

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i've got segment controller above connected code bellow.

@iboutlet weak var coatsegmentcontroller: uisegmentedcontrol!  @ibaction func coatselectinput() {          switch (self.unitsegmentcontroller.selectedsegmentindex) {          case 0:             coatsetter = 1             //println("switched coat 1")             println(unitsegmentcontroller.selectedsegmentindex)          case 1:             coatsetter = 2             //println("switched coat 2")             println(unitsegmentcontroller.selectedsegmentindex)          case 2:             coatsetter = 3             //println("switched coat 3")             println(unitsegmentcontroller.selectedsegmentindex)          default:             println("coat switch did not work")          }       } 

no matter segment select return i've selected first segment.

if hook unit segment outlet works. unit 1 stops working.

@iboutlet weak var unitsegmentcontroller: uisegmentedcontrol! 

any idea be? i've tried everything. delete , create again many times. nothing seems work.

here full code view.

import uikit import coredata  class paintviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller, uitextfielddelegate {      //fields *********************************************************      @iboutlet weak var widthfield: uitextfield!     @iboutlet weak var heigthfield: uitextfield!     @iboutlet weak var basecoatpricefield: uitextfield!     @iboutlet weak var basecoatcansizefield: uitextfield!     @iboutlet weak var topcoatpricefield: uitextfield!     @iboutlet weak var topcoatcansizefield: uitextfield!      //field labels ***************************************************       @iboutlet weak var areatopaintheader: uilabel!     @iboutlet weak var basecoatpriceheader: uilabel!     @iboutlet weak var topcoatheader: uilabel!      @iboutlet weak var basecoatunit: uilabel!     @iboutlet weak var topcoatunit: uilabel!      //result labels      @iboutlet weak var resultbasecoatunit: uilabel!     @iboutlet weak var resultbasecoatamount: uilabel!     @iboutlet weak var resultbasecoatcost: uilabel!     @iboutlet weak var resulttopcoatunit: uilabel!     @iboutlet weak var resulttopcoatamount: uilabel!     @iboutlet weak var resulttopcoatcost: uilabel!     @iboutlet weak var basecoatnocostwarning: uilabel!     @iboutlet weak var topcoatnocostwarning: uilabel!      // other controlers      @iboutlet weak var whatthehell: uisegmentedcontrol!     @iboutlet weak var coatsegmentcontroller: uisegmentedcontrol!     @iboutlet weak var mainscrollview: uiscrollview!     @iboutlet weak var unitsegmentcontroller: uisegmentedcontrol!  //    @iboutlet weak var coatsegcontroller: uisegmentedcontrol!      // instances ******************************************************      var unitsetter = "metric"     var coatsetter = 1      //create concrete core data object     var paint = [paintentity]()      let managedobjectcontext = (uiapplication.sharedapplication().delegate as! appdelegate).managedobjectcontext      //    var calculations = paintmodel(     //        width: 0.0,     //        heigth: 0.0,     //        basecoatprice: 0.0,     //        basecoatcanamount: 0.0,     //        topcoatprice: 0.0,     //        topcoatcanamount: 0.0,     //        unit: "metric",     //        coats: 1.0)       // ******************************************************************     // native methods     // ******************************************************************      override func viewdidload() {         super.viewdidload()          //empty cost warning label         basecoatnocostwarning.text = ""         topcoatnocostwarning.text = ""          // reset can         basecoatcansizefield.text = "5.0"         topcoatcansizefield.text = "5.0"         //        calculations.basecoatcanamount = 5.0         //        calculations.topcoatcanamount = 5.0           // apply icon         let imageview = uiimageview(frame: cgrect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 31, height: 36))         imageview.contentmode = .scaleaspectfit         let image = uiimage(named: "concrete_bag_detail")         imageview.image = image         navigationitem.titleview = imageview          // nav bar bg custom ********************          var navbarcolor = navigationcontroller!.navigationbar          // bg color         navbarcolor.bartintcolor = uicolor(hue: 162/360.0, saturation: 80/100.0, brightness: 45/100.0, alpha: 100.0/100.0)          navbarcolor.titletextattributes = [nsforegroundcolorattributename: uicolor.blackcolor()]          // status bar white color ********************         uiapplication.sharedapplication().statusbarstyle = uistatusbarstyle.lightcontent          // detect tap trigger hide keyboard          let tapgesture: uitapgesturerecognizer = uitapgesturerecognizer(target: self, action: "hidekeyboard")         tapgesture.cancelstouchesinview = false         mainscrollview.addgesturerecognizer(tapgesture)       }      override func didreceivememorywarning() {         super.didreceivememorywarning()         // dispose of resources can recreated.     }       // ******************************************************************     // methods     // ******************************************************************        // reset ******************************************************      //    func resetdatamodel (){     //     ////        calculations.width = 0.0     ////        calculations.heigth = 0.0     ////        calculations.basecoatprice = 0.0     ////        calculations.basecoatcanamount = 0.0     ////        calculations.topcoatprice = 0.0     ////        calculations.topcoatcanamount = 0.0     //     //    }      func resetinputandlabels(){           widthfield.text =  ""         heigthfield.text =  ""         basecoatpricefield.text =  ""         topcoatpricefield.text =  ""          basecoatnocostwarning.text =  ""         topcoatnocostwarning.text =  ""          resultbasecoatamount.text = "0.0"         resultbasecoatcost.text = "$0.00"         resulttopcoatamount.text = "0.0"         resulttopcoatcost.text = "$0.00"           switch unitsetter {          case "metric":              basecoatcansizefield.text =  "5.0"             topcoatcansizefield.text =  "5.0"             basecoatunit.text = "litre can"             topcoatunit.text = "litre can"             resultbasecoatunit.text = "litres"             resulttopcoatunit.text = "litres"           case "imperial":              basecoatcansizefield.text =  "1.0"             topcoatcansizefield.text =  "1.0"             basecoatunit.text = "gal can"             topcoatunit.text = "gal can"             resultbasecoatunit.text = "gallons"             resulttopcoatunit.text = "gallons"           default:             println("not able reset labels")         }      }       //alert view methods  ******************************************************       func alertviewlaunch (#message: string){          var alertview = uialertview(title: "ops!", message: message, delegate: self, cancelbuttontitle: "ok,got it!")          alertview.show()      }       //keyboard resize view  ******************************************      // call method somewhere in view controller setup code.     func registerforkeyboardnotifications() {         let notificationcenter = nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter()         notificationcenter.addobserver(self,             selector: "keyboardwillbeshown:",             name: uikeyboardwillshownotification,             object: nil)         notificationcenter.addobserver(self,             selector: "keyboardwillbehidden:",             name: uikeyboardwillhidenotification,             object: nil)     }      // called when uikeyboarddidshownotification sent.     func keyboardwillbeshown(sender: nsnotification) {         let info: nsdictionary = sender.userinfo!         let value: nsvalue = info.valueforkey(uikeyboardframebeginuserinfokey) as! nsvalue         let keyboardsize: cgsize = value.cgrectvalue().size         let contentinsets: uiedgeinsets = uiedgeinsetsmake(0.0, 0.0, keyboardsize.height, 0.0)         mainscrollview.contentinset = contentinsets         mainscrollview.scrollindicatorinsets = contentinsets          // if active text field hidden keyboard, scroll it's visible         // app might not need or want behavior.         var arect: cgrect = self.view.frame         arect.size.height -= keyboardsize.height      }      // called when uikeyboardwillhidenotification sent     func keyboardwillbehidden(sender: nsnotification) {         let contentinsets: uiedgeinsets = uiedgeinsetszero         mainscrollview.contentinset = contentinsets         mainscrollview.scrollindicatorinsets = contentinsets     }       override func viewwillappear(animated: bool) {         super.viewwillappear(animated)         self.registerforkeyboardnotifications()     }      override func viewdiddisappear(animated: bool) {         super.viewwilldisappear(animated)         nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().removeobserver(self)     }       // hide keyboard on touch ****************************************      func hidekeyboard(){          widthfield.resignfirstresponder()         heigthfield.resignfirstresponder()         basecoatpricefield.resignfirstresponder()         topcoatpricefield.resignfirstresponder()         basecoatcansizefield.resignfirstresponder()         topcoatcansizefield.resignfirstresponder()      }       // *********************************************************************************     // actions     // *********************************************************************************        @ibaction func resetbutton() {          resetinputandlabels()         //        resetdatamodel()     }      // change unit **************************************************      @ibaction func unitselectinput() {          switch unitsegmentcontroller.selectedsegmentindex {          case 0:             unitsetter = "metric"             resetinputandlabels()             //            resetdatamodel()             //println("switched metric")                         println(unitsegmentcontroller.selectedsegmentindex)          case 1:             unitsetter = "imperial"             resetinputandlabels()             //            resetdatamodel()             //println("switch imperial")                         println(unitsegmentcontroller.selectedsegmentindex)          default:             println("unit switch did not work")          }     }      // change coat **********************************************      @ibaction func coatselectinput() {          switch (self.unitsegmentcontroller.selectedsegmentindex) {          case 0:             coatsetter = 1             //println("switched coat 1")             println(unitsegmentcontroller.selectedsegmentindex)          case 1:             coatsetter = 2             //println("switched coat 2")             println(unitsegmentcontroller.selectedsegmentindex)          case 2:             coatsetter = 3             //println("switched coat 3")             println(unitsegmentcontroller.selectedsegmentindex)          default:             println("coat switch did not work")          }       }      // generate results **********************************************      @ibaction func generateresults() {          //scroll view show results - 4s          let screensize: cgrect = uiscreen.mainscreen().bounds          //println("screen heigth - \(screensize.height)")          if screensize.height <= 480 {              uiscrollview.animatewithduration(0.5, delay: 0.0, usingspringwithdamping: 1.5, initialspringvelocity: 1.5, options: uiviewanimationoptions.curvelinear, animations: {                 self.mainscrollview.contentoffset.y = 220.0                  }, completion: {                     void in                     uiview.animatewithduration(0.6, delay: 0.0, usingspringwithdamping: 0.1, initialspringvelocity: 3.0, options: uiviewanimationoptions.curvelinear, animations: {}, completion: { void in })             })         }           //save coredata         //detect if no data has been entered          if widthfield.text == "" || heigthfield.text == "" || basecoatcansizefield.text == "" || topcoatcansizefield.text == "" {              alertviewlaunch(message: "i need @ least width, heigth, basecoat can size , topcoat can size basic calculations done")          } else {              //store data depending on unit             switch unitsetter {              case "metric": paintentity.createinmanagedobjectcontext(self.managedobjectcontext!,                 width: nsstring(string: (widthfield.text)).doublevalue,                 heigth: nsstring(string: (heigthfield.text)).doublevalue,                 basecoatprice: nsstring(string: (basecoatpricefield.text)).doublevalue,                 basecoatcansize: nsstring(string: (basecoatcansizefield.text)).doublevalue,                 topcoatprice: nsstring(string: (topcoatpricefield.text)).doublevalue,                 topcoatcansize: nsstring(string: (topcoatcansizefield.text)).doublevalue,                 unit: "metric",                 coats: coatsetter)              case "imperial":paintentity.createinmanagedobjectcontext(self.managedobjectcontext!,                 width: nsstring(string: (widthfield.text)).doublevalue,                 heigth: nsstring(string: (heigthfield.text)).doublevalue,                 basecoatprice: nsstring(string: (basecoatpricefield.text)).doublevalue,                 basecoatcansize: nsstring(string: (basecoatcansizefield.text)).doublevalue,                 topcoatprice: nsstring(string: (topcoatpricefield.text)).doublevalue,                 topcoatcansize: nsstring(string: (topcoatcansizefield.text)).doublevalue,                 unit: "imperial",                 coats: coatsetter)              default:                 println("no unit detected")              }             printresults()         }     }      func printresults(){          let fetchrequest = nsfetchrequest(entityname: "paintentity")          let sortdescriptor = nssortdescriptor(key: "date", ascending: false)         fetchrequest.sortdescriptors = [sortdescriptor]         fetchrequest.fetchlimit = 1         var error : nserror?          if let fetchresults = managedobjectcontext!.executefetchrequest(fetchrequest, error: &error) as? [paintentity] {              resultbasecoatamount.text = "\(roundnumbertoone(fetchresults[0].resultbasecoatamount.doublevalue))"             resulttopcoatamount.text = "\(roundnumbertoone(fetchresults[0].resulttopcoatamount.doublevalue))"              //println("i fetching \(fetchresults[0])")              if basecoatpricefield.text == "" || topcoatpricefield.text == "" {                  resultbasecoatcost.textcolor = uicolor(hue: 162/360.0, saturation: 65/100.0, brightness: 45/100.0, alpha: 100.0/100.0)                 basecoatnocostwarning.text = "missing price"                 resultbasecoatcost.text = "$0.00"                  resulttopcoatcost.textcolor = uicolor(hue: 162/360.0, saturation: 65/100.0, brightness: 45/100.0, alpha: 100.0/100.0)                 topcoatnocostwarning.text = "missing price"                 resulttopcoatcost.text = "$0.00"              }else{                  if basecoatpricefield == "" {                     resultbasecoatcost.textcolor = uicolor(hue: 162/360.0, saturation: 65/100.0, brightness: 45/100.0, alpha: 100.0/100.0)                     basecoatnocostwarning.text = "missing price"                     resultbasecoatcost.text = "$0.00"                  } else {                      resultbasecoatcost.textcolor = uicolor.whitecolor()                     basecoatnocostwarning.text = ""                     resultbasecoatcost.text = "$\(roundnumbertotwo(fetchresults[0].resultbasecoatcost.doublevalue))"                  }                  if topcoatpricefield == "" {                     resulttopcoatcost.textcolor = uicolor(hue: 165/360.0, saturation: 63/100.0, brightness: 53/100.0, alpha: 100.0/100.0)                     topcoatnocostwarning.text = "missing price"                     resulttopcoatcost.text = "$0.00"                  }else{                      resulttopcoatcost.textcolor = uicolor.whitecolor()                     topcoatnocostwarning.text = ""                     resulttopcoatcost.text = "$\(roundnumbertotwo(fetchresults[0].resulttopcoatcost.doublevalue))"                 }             }         }     } } 


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