geolocation - How to display markers one by one on processing maps? -

i using unfolding maps visualize location data on google maps. have several locations need display 1 one person's traveled path. tried using delays , program got freezed. can suggest me proper way achieve this? thanks.

try out:

import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.*; import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.geo.*; import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.utils.*;  unfoldingmap map; arraylist<location> locations = new arraylist<location>(); int locationindex = -1;  void setup() {   size(800, 600);   map = new unfoldingmap(this);   // test data. load actual data, instead:   locations.add(new location(53, 0));   locations.add(new location(12, 50)); }  void draw() {   map.draw();    // simple animation: every 60 frames show next location    if (framecount % 60 == 0) {     // increase if more data exists     if (locationindex < locations.size() - 1) {       locationindex++;     }   }    // show visible locations (i.e. 0 - index)   (int = 0; <= locationindex; i++) {     location location = locations.get(i);     screenposition pos = map.getscreenposition(location);     ellipse(pos.x, pos.y, 10, 10);   } } 


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