arrays - How to Parse parent-child related JsonArray in JAVA? -
this json text. can "name,surname , books" array. problem books array.and content of books coming in form ;{"title:heresometext",paragraphs{value1:heresometext,value2:heresometext}}
array in array. parant-child relation. thing want reach thoose value1,value2,value3 strings seperated.
{"data" [ "name" : "here text", "surname" : "here text", "books" : [ { "title1" : "here text.", "paragraphs" : [ { "value1" : "here text." }, { "value2" : "here text." } ] }, { "title2" : "here text.", "paragraphs" : [ { "value3" : "here text.", "image1" : "here text." }, { "value4" : "here text." }, { "value5" : "here text." } ] } ] ] }
how can them form, in tree form seperated datas able save them in db. usefull
name: "here text", surname: "here text", books: - title1 : "here text." -paragraphs: - value : "here text. - value : "here text. - title2 : "here text." -paragraphs: - value : "here text. - image : "here text.
we used json.simple in our projects. json parser.
public class jsonparsingexample { public static void main(string[] args) { jsonparser parser = new jsonparser(); try { object obj = parser.parse(new filereader(parser.getclass().getclassloader().getresource("jsondata.json").getfile())); jsonobject jsonobject = (jsonobject) obj; jsonobject data = (jsonobject) jsonobject.get("data"); jsonarray books = (jsonarray) data.get("books"); system.out.println(books); iterator<jsonobject> iterator = books.iterator(); while (iterator.hasnext()) { jsonobject book = (jsonobject); system.out.println("this books name " + book.get("name")); jsonarray paras = (jsonarray) book.get("paras"); iterator<jsonobject> parasi = paras.iterator(); int = 0; while (parasi.hasnext()) { jsonobject para = (jsonobject); para.keyset().foreach(o -> system.out.println(o + "/" + para.get(o))); } } } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (parseexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } }
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