r - Appending p-values to correlation matrix dataframe -

i trying create correlation matrix p-value right next correlation, not sure how merge two.

my code:

library(psych)  set.seed(1) df <- data.frame(     col1 = rnorm(10),     col2 = rnorm(10),     col3=rnorm(10) ) cors<-corr.test(df) outputdf<-as.data.frame(cors$r)[lower.tri(cors$r,diag=false),] p.val <- (cors$p)[lower.tri(cors$p)] view(outputdf) 

my goal (p-values may incorrect due r issue on end):

        col1      col2 col2 -0.37(0.283)    col3 -0.71(0.019) 0.60(0.06) 

we use paste paste corresponding elements in 'cors$r' , 'cors$p'. using [] same structure cors$p. change elements in diagonal , upper triangular matrix '' , subset rows , columns have @ least 1 non-empty element.

res <- cors$p res[] <- paste0(round(cors$r,2), "(", round(cors$p,2), ")") res[upper.tri(res, diag=true)] <- '' res[!!rowsums(res!=''),!!colsums(res!='')] #     col1          col2        #col2 "-0.38(0.28)" ""          #col3 "-0.72(0.02)" "0.6(0.06)" 


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