ios - AVPlayerLayer isn't showing AVPlayer video? -

what's trick getting avplayer video content show in one's view?

we using following avplayer code nothing appearing on screen. know video there because able show using mpmovieplayercontroller.

here code using:

avasset *asset = [avasset assetwithurl:videotempurl]; avplayeritem *item = [[avplayeritem alloc] initwithasset:asset]; avplayer *player = [[avplayer alloc] initwithplayeritem:item]; player.actionatitemend = avplayeractionatitemendnone; avplayerlayer *layer = [avplayerlayer playerlayerwithplayer:player]; // layer.frame = self.view.frame; [self.view.layer addsublayer:layer]; layer.backgroundcolor = [uicolor clearcolor].cgcolor; //layer.backgroundcolor = [uicolor greencolor].cgcolor; [layer setvideogravity:avlayervideogravityresizeaspectfill]; [player play]; 

are setting layer improperly current view?

you need set layer's frame property. e.g.:

 self.playerlayer.frame = cgrectmake(0, 0, 100, 100) 

if tried , didn't work in view controller's view, tried set layer's frame property view-controllers frame or bounds property {0, 0, 0, 0} @ time avplayerlayer created. need set frame of player during layout-passes, @ point view-controller's frame set other {0, 0, 0, 0}. properly:

if you're using auto-layout in custom uiview (including ib):

override func layoutsubviews() {     super.layoutsubviews()      //match size of view     catransaction.begin()     catransaction.setdisableactions(true)     self.playerlayer.frame = self.bounds     catransaction.commit() } 

if you're using auto-layout in custom uiviewcontroller:

override fun viewdidlayoutsubviews() {   //match size of view-controller   catransaction.begin()   catransaction.setdisableactions(true)   self.playerlayer.frame = self.view.bounds   catransaction.commit() } 

the catransaction lines disable implicit animations on layer's frame change. if you're wondering why not needed, it's because layers uiview's not implicitly animate default. in case, using non-view backed layer (avplayerlayer)

the best route take add new view view-controller through interface build , set custom class on newly added view. create custom view class , implement layoutsubviews code.


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