database - Unique Filter to Elastic Search Column not working (duplicate items inserted) -

i've modified contactnumber field have unique filter

by updating index settings follows

curl -xput localhost:9200/test-index2/_settings -d ' {      "index":{         "analysis":{            "analyzer":{               "unique_keyword_analyzer":{          "only_on_same_position":"true",                  "filter":"unique"               }            }         }   },   "mappings":{      "business":{         "properties":{            "contactnumber":{               "analyzer":"unique_keyword_analyzer",               "type":"string"            }         }      }   } }' 

a sample item looks this,

doc_type:"business"  contactnumber:"(+12)415-3499" name:"sam's pizza" address:"somewhere on earth" 

the filter not work, duplicate items inserted, i'd no 2 documents having same contactnumber

in above, i've set only_on_same_position -> true existing duplicate values truncated/deleted

what doing wrong in settings?

that's elasticsearch couldn't out of box... need make uniqueness functionality available in app. idea can think of have phone number _id of document , whenever insert/update es use contactnumber _id , associate document 1 exists or create new one.

for example:

put /test-index2 {   "mappings": {     "business": {       "_id": {         "path": "contactnumber"       },        "properties": {         "contactnumber": {           "type": "string",           "analyzer": "keyword"         },         "address": {           "type": "string"         }       }     }   } } 

then index something:

post /test-index2/business {   "contactnumber": "(+12)415-3499",   "address": "whatever 123" } 

getting back:

get /test-index2/business/_search {   "query": {     "match_all": {}   } } 

it looks this:

   "hits": {       "total": 1,       "max_score": 1,       "hits": [          {             "_index": "test-index2",             "_type": "business",             "_id": "(+12)415-3499",             "_score": 1,             "_source": {                "contactnumber": "(+12)415-3499",                "address": "whatever 123"             }          }       ]    } 

you see there _id of document phone number itself. if want change or insert document (the address different, there new field - whatever_field - contactnumber same):

post /test-index2/business {   "contactnumber": "(+12)415-3499",   "address": "whatever 123 456",   "whatever_field": "whatever value" } 

elasticserach "updates" existing document , responds with:

{    "_index": "test-index2",    "_type": "business",    "_id": "(+12)415-3499",    "_version": 2,    "created": false } 

created false, means document has been updated, not created. _version 2 again says document has been updated. , _id phone number indicate document has been updated.

looking again in index, es stores this:

  "hits": [      {         "_index": "test-index2",         "_type": "business",         "_id": "(+12)415-3499",         "_score": 1,         "_source": {            "contactnumber": "(+12)415-3499",            "address": "whatever 123 456",            "whatever_field": "whatever value"         }      }   ] 

so, new field there, address has changed, contactnumber , _id same.


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