parallel processing - bash: running script on multiple directories simultaneously -

let's have multiple directories: nmg_1, nmg_2,..., nmg_5. each of these directories contains 2 subdirectories: fol, unf. in each of subdirectories there text file.

so, have script:, read line of text files in each subdirectory , output file. thus, wondering, there way run script in parallel, is, script run in multiple subdirectories @ once?

given required processing on 1 text file @ time, following command keep 4 parallel bash sessions alive:

find -name "*.txt" -print0 | xargs -n 1 -p 4 -0 -i {} bash {} 

from man xargs:

--max-procs=max-procs, -p max-procs       run max-procs processes @ time; default 1.       if max-procs 0, xargs run many processes possible @ time.        use -n option -p; otherwise chances 1 exec done. 


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