AngularJS form validation: indicate required fields to user -

i form labels display red asterisk next label when corresponding form control has required attribute.

instead of hard coding asterisk, desire way append asterisk label dynamically during page load if label's corresponding input, select or textarea required (the element label corresponds to).

i created directive below, , directive works. there better, more native way accomplish goal? directive finds div.form-group containers , adds red * character after label if corresponding form control inside div.form-group has required attribute.

myapp.directive('labelsrequired',function(){     return {         restrict: 'a',         require: 'ngmodel',         link: function(scope, elem, attrs){             elem.find('div.form-group').each(function(i, formgroup){                 var formcontrols = $(formgroup).find('input, select, textarea');                 console.log(formcontrols)                 if (0 !== formcontrols.length && undefined !== $(formcontrols[0]).attr('required')){                     jlabel = $(formgroup).find('label');                     jlabel.html(jlabel.html()+ "<span class='red-color'>*</span>");                 }             })         }     } }); 

the directive assumes inputs, selects, , textareas inside div.form-group container.

<div class='form-group'>   <label>first name</label><!-- label gets asterisk -->   <input name='fname' required /> </div> <div class='form-group'>   <label>favorite food</label><!-- label not asterisk -->   <input name='favfood'  /> </div> 

building off of corey's answer:

i used compile rather link, saw required attribute not being applied input elements. included select tag dropdowns had.

    app.directive('inputrequired', function () {     return {         restrict: 'a',         compile: function (elem) {             elem.find('label').append("<sup><i class='fa fa-asterisk'></i></sup>");             elem.find('input').attr('required', 'required');             elem.find('select').attr('required', 'required');         }     }; }); 


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