javascript - Cannot pass JSON object because xmlhttp.status === 0 -

before mark duplicate, please understand have gone through solutions possible before posting question. code follows:


var http = require('http');   var foo = function (response) {     response.writehead(200, {"content-type": "application/json"});     var otherarray = ["item1", "item2"];     var otherobject = {         item1: "item1val",         item2: "item2val"     };     var json = json.stringify({         anobject: otherobject,         anarray: otherarray,         another: "item"     });     response.end(json);     // console.log(json + ' sent'); };  http.createserver(function (request, response) {     foo(response); }).listen(8080); 


var server = function() {     var obj = {};     xmlhttp = new xmlhttprequest();      xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {         if (xmlhttp.readystate === 4) {             if(xmlhttp.status === 200) {                 obj = json.parse(xmlhttp.responsetext);             } else {                 alert('readystate === 4 status === ' + xmlhttp.status);             }         }      };"get", "http://localhost:8080", true);      xmlhttp.send(); };  server(); 

i trying pass json object server client. run server using node server.js , open index.html sources client.js. using console.log, have found server.js functioning fine , client.js indeed affecting index.html. however, when try above snippet of code, empty object in obj. answers on stackoverflow have suggested setting security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy value in firefox false have done, yet still getting status === 0.

it sounds having cross domain issue since index.html file not being served server.js , treated local file. try having server.js show index.html when go root path localhost:8080.

refer using node.js simple web server serving simple static web file. may want handles lot of basic stuff web server should do.

as firefox setting security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy, looks me allow reference static local files local file not make ajax requests.


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