C++ error at the last line of code -

i'm begineer in c++ programming know basics. started writing simple game. program chooses random number (1-100) , have guess it. there 2 modes:

normal - whenever enter number program tells if it's bigger random or smaller.

hard - no clues, pure luck.

everything running ok when added fixes displayed text program won't compile. use code::blocks. screenshot: http://scr.hu/81tw/m6cm0 apreciate help.

full code below:

   #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <time.h>  using namespace std;  int number_normal; int number_hard; int guess_normal; int guess_hard; int tries_normal=0; int tries_hard=0; int mode; int main() {   {     cout<<"choose mode..."<<endl;     cout<<"normal (press 1) or hard (press 2)"<<endl;     cin>>mode;     if(mode=1)         cout<<"normal mode chosen."<<endl;             goto normal;     if(mode=2)         cout<<"hard mode chosen!"<<endl;             goto hard;             return 0; } {      hard:          cout<<"i chose random number in range 1 100, can      guess it?"<<endl;         srand(time(null));         number_hard = rand()%100+1;      while(guess_hard!=number_hard)          tries_hard++;         cout<<"enter guess!(try "<<tries_hard<<"): ";         cin>>guess_hard;          if(guess_hard=number_normal)             cout<<"respect! guessed in "<<tries_hard<<" tries!"<<endl; } {      normal:          cout<<"i chose random number 1 100. give clues! try guess it."<<endl;         srand(time(null));         number_normal = rand()%100+1;      while(guess_normal!=number_normal)          tries_normal++;         cout<<"enter guess!(try "<<tries_normal<<"): ";         cin>>guess_normal;          if(guess_normal==number_normal)             cout<<"congrats! you're lucky. (won in "<<tries_normal<<" tries!)"<<endl;          if(guess_normal<number_normal)             cout<<"too low."<<endl;         else if(guess_normal>number_normal)             cout<<"that's much!"<<endl;          system("pause");         return 0; } 

the code works here

#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <time.h>  using namespace std;  int number_normal; int number_hard; int guess_normal; int guess_hard; int tries_normal=0; int tries_hard=0; int mode; int main() {       {         cout<<"choose mode..."<<endl;         cout<<"normal (press 1) or hard (press 2)"<<endl;         cin>>mode;         if(mode=1)             cout<<"normal mode chosen."<<endl;                 goto normal;                 if(mode=2)                 cout<<"hard mode chosen!"<<endl;                 goto hard;                 return 0;     } {      hard:          cout<<"i chose random number in range 1 100, can      guess it?"<<endl;         srand(time(null));         number_hard = rand()%100+1;      while(guess_hard!=number_hard)         {         tries_hard++;         cout<<"enter guess!(try "<<tries_hard<<"): ";         cin>>guess_hard;          if(guess_hard==number_normal)             cout<<"respect! guessed in "<<tries_hard<<" tries!"<<endl;         } } {      normal:          cout<<"i chose random number 1 100. give clues! try guess it."<<endl;         srand(time(null));         number_normal = rand()%100+1;      while(guess_normal!=number_normal)         {         tries_normal++;         cout<<"enter guess!(try "<<tries_normal<<"): ";         cin>>guess_normal;          if(guess_normal==number_normal)             cout<<"congrats! you're lucky. (won in "<<tries_normal<<" tries!)"<<endl;          if(guess_normal<number_normal)             cout<<"too low."<<endl;         else if(guess_normal>number_normal)             cout<<"that's much!"<<endl;          //system("pause");     } }     return 0; } 

well, didn't used braces across while loops, , @cowls suggested, there closing brace missing after main. else fine. used = comparison between variables, instead of ==, = assignment operator, while == used comparison.


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