Android: keyboard numeric changes automatically to keyboard text alone -

i have simple item renderer standard listview. in item renderer have 2 edittext configure that:

<edittext    android:layout_width="40dp"    android:layout_height="wrap_content"    android:inputtype="number"    android:selectallonfocus="true"    android:text="8"/> 

when click first on 1 of these edittext, numeric keyboard appears 1 second, changes automatically standard text keyboard... don't know why! if click new time on 1 of these, numeric keyboard appears , it's ok (no change). actually, problem appears if there no open keyboard.

have got idea? thank much!

how check if java code have setinputtype() on edit first?

if still have no clues, try method profile app or keyboard , check who's calling setinputtype() kind-a method can helpful.
