How to limit number of lines in Dynamic Android EditText within AlertDialog -

i dynamically creating edittext within alertdialog , want limit number of lines shown. currently, edittext keeps expanding vertically each carriage return. results in dialog buttons not being visible after point. have isolated code down following :

public class mainactivity extends activity {  @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);      button b = (button) findviewbyid(;     b.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {         public void onclick(view v) {             alertdialog.builder builder = new alertdialog.builder(v.getcontext());             edittext input = new edittext(v.getcontext());             input.setlines(4);             //input.setmaxlines(4);             input.setsingleline(false);             input.setgravity(;             //input.setverticalscrollbarenabled(true);             builder.setview(input);             builder.setpositivebutton("ok", new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {                 @override                 public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int which) {     }             });             builder.setnegativebutton("cancel", new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {                 @override                 public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int which) {    }             });             alertdialog d = builder.create();   ;         }     });  } 


i'd happy either a) limit number of lines of text or b) have scrollbar appear beyond x lines.

i've tried setting number of properties on edittext including 'setmaxlines','setheight' , 'setverticalscrollbarenabled' , neither of these work.

i realise there existing suggestions similar issues, none edittext created dynamically , within alertdialog. or suggestions appreciated.

if want set fixed number of lines should do

setlines(int numoflines); 

if want set limit number of lines added on typing

setmaxlines(int limit); 

and additional information, set limit minimum number of lines using

setminlines(int limit); 
