c# - How to style auto-generated elements in xaml -

i'm using extension this toolkit, automatically adds textbox top of each datagrid column filtering following code.

<datagrid columnheaderstyle="{staticresource {componentresourcekey         typeintargetassembly={x:type filter:datagridheaderfiltercontrol},         resourceid=datagridheaderfiltercontrolstyle}}" > 

however, added column header , textboxes have different style want.

so can style column header, won't change textboxes.

<style x:key="filterheader"         basedon="{staticresource {componentresourcekey typeintargetassembly={x:type filter:datagridheaderfiltercontrol},                                                         resourceid=datagridheaderfiltercontrolstyle}}"         targettype="{x:type datagridcolumnheader}">      <setter property="foreground" value="blue" />  </style>  ...  <datagrid columnheaderstyle="{dynamicresource filterheader}"> 

i tried putting inwindow.resources see if had effect on textboxes. changed other textboxes doesn't have effect on textboxes created extension.

<style targettype="textbox">     <setter property="foreground" value="blue" /> </style> 

but no dice. thing i've found works this:

    public void datagrid_onload(object sender, routedeventargs e)     {         ienumerable<system.windows.controls.textbox> collection =             findvisualchildren<system.windows.controls.textbox>(titlebar);          foreach (system.windows.controls.textbox tb in collection)         {             tb.foreground = brushes.blue;         }     }      public static ienumerable<t> findvisualchildren<t>(dependencyobject depobj) t : dependencyobject     {         if (depobj != null)         {             (int = 0; < visualtreehelper.getchildrencount(depobj); i++)             {                 dependencyobject child = visualtreehelper.getchild(depobj, i);                 if (child != null && child t)                 {                     yield return (t)child;                 }                  foreach (t childofchild in findvisualchildren<t>(child))                 {                     yield return childofchild;                 }             }         }     } 

but seems garbage way of doing it. how can purely in xaml or @ least more cleanly in c#?

from looking through source code, noticed textbox isn't textbox subclass of textbox. delaytextbox

so modify style target instead.

<style targettype="delaytextbox">     <setter property="foreground" value="blue" /> </style> 

i haven't tried should work.


finally found issue. styles should defined within style of parent.

<style targettype="{x:type filter:datagridcolumnfilter}">     <style.resources>          <style targettype="{x:type support:delaytextbox}">             <setter property="foreground" value="blue" />             <setter property="fontweight" value="bold"/>         </style>          <style targettype="{x:type combobox}">             <setter property="foreground" value="blue" />             <setter property="fontweight" value="bold"/>         </style>     </style.resources> </style> 

i've added comboxbox since assume you'd want too. can take out setter bold needed .. using test.


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