Count/increment is not working in logstash -

i filter "status code" output attribute each line. like, code = 100, code = 100, code = 200, code = 200,code = 200,code = 300

here, i'm trying count of each type of status codes 100 = 2, 200 = 3, 300 = 1

the config working on looks like,

filter {  grok {     patterns_dir => ["./patterns"]     match => [ "message", ["%{custompattern:code}"  ]]  }  mutate {     remove_field => ["host", "path", "@version", "@timestamp"]  } }  output {  statsd {        increment => "%{code}"        count => ["code", "%{code}"]        }  stdout {        codec => json  } } 

i know statsd config wrong, couldn't fix it.
