c# - Better way to Sort a List by any property -

my method receives datatables parameters sort table column clicked. call method controller of each page list. i'm looking better way generic method types: string, int, decimal, double, bool (nullable or not). can't find it.

my current code:

public list<t> orderinglist<t>(list<t> list, datatablesparam model) {     var icolumn = model.order.firstordefault().column;     var property = typeof(t).getproperty(model.columns.toarray()[icolumn].data);     var param = expression.parameter(typeof(t));     var final = expression.property(param, property);      var isdirasc = model.order.firstordefault().dir.equals("asc");      if (property.propertytype == typeof(string))     {         var lambda = expression.lambda<func<t, string>>(final, param).compile();         return isdirasc ? list.orderby(lambda).tolist() : list.orderbydescending(lambda).tolist();     }     else if (property.propertytype == typeof(int))     {         var lambda = expression.lambda<func<t, int>>(final, param).compile();         return isdirasc ? list.orderby(lambda).tolist() : list.orderbydescending(lambda).tolist();     }     else if (property.propertytype == typeof(bool))     {         var lambda = expression.lambda<func<t, bool>>(final, param).compile();         return isdirasc ? list.orderby(lambda).tolist() : list.orderbydescending(lambda).tolist();     }     else if (property.propertytype == typeof(decimal))     {         var lambda = expression.lambda<func<t, decimal>>(final, param).compile();         return isdirasc ? list.orderby(lambda).tolist() : list.orderbydescending(lambda).tolist();     }     else if (property.propertytype == typeof(double))     {         var lambda = expression.lambda<func<t, double>>(final, param).compile();         return isdirasc ? list.orderby(lambda).tolist() : list.orderbydescending(lambda).tolist();     }      return list; } 

i want this: (but code doesn't work)

public list<t> orderinglist<t>(list<t> list, datatablesparam model) {     var icolumn = model.order.firstordefault().column;     var property = typeof(t).getproperty(model.columns.toarray()[icolumn].data);     var param = expression.parameter(typeof(t));     var final = expression.property(param, property);      var isdirasc = model.order.firstordefault().dir.equals("asc");      var lambda = expression.lambda<func<t, dynamic>>(final, param).compile();     return isdirasc ? list.orderby(lambda).tolist() : list.orderbydescending(lambda).tolist(); } 

you can call enumerable.orderby method using reflection. way, don’t have know type @ compile-time. that, need method, , create generic method using property’s type:

private ienumerable<t> sort<t> (list<t> list, string propertyname) {     methodinfo orderbymethod = typeof(enumerable).getmethods().first(mi => mi.name == "orderby" && mi.getparameters().length == 2);      propertyinfo pi = typeof(t).getproperty(propertyname);     methodinfo orderby = orderbymethod.makegenericmethod(typeof(t), pi.propertytype);      parameterexpression param = expression.parameter(typeof(t));     delegate accessor = expression.lambda(expression.property(param, pi), param).compile();     return (ienumerable<t>)orderby.invoke(null, new object[] { lst, accessor }); } 

note abstracted out stuff model keep method generic enough. can sort property on list specifying property name. original method this:

public list<t> orderinglist<t>(list<t> list, datatablesparam model) {     var icolumn = model.order.firstordefault().column;     string propertyname = model.columns.toarray()[icolumn].data;      return sort(list, propertyname).tolist(); } 
