mysql - How do I select rows which IDs not in PHPs LARGE array? -

i need solve following task: have quite large array of ids in php script , need select mysql db rows ids not in array.

there several similar questions (how find records not in array? (mysql)) , favourite answer use not in () construction implode(',',$array) within brackets.

and worked... until array gown 2007 ids , 20 kb (in case) i've got "mysql server has gone away" error. can understand because of lengthy query.

there solutions problem this:

set global max_allowed_packet=1073741824; 

(just taken this question).

probably in way, doubt not in (implode) approach 1 big arrays (i expect in case array can 8000 ids , 100 kb).

is there better solution big arrays?


edit 1

as solution recommended insert ids array temporary table , use join solve initial task. clear. never used temporary tables , therefore have additional question (probably worth separate question decided leave here):

if need routine several times during 1 mysql session, approach better:

  1. each time need select id not in php array create new temporary table (all tables deleted after mysql connection termination - after script terminated in fact).

  2. i create temporary table , delete 1 after made needed select

  3. i trncate temporary table afterwards.

which better? or missed else?

in such cases better create temporary table , perform query against instead. it'd along lines of:

create temporary table t1 (a int);  insert t1 values (1),(2),(3);  select * yourtable   left join t1 on (  t1.a null; 

of course insert statement should constructed you'd insert values array temporary table.

edit: inserting values in single insert statement lead same problem faced. hence i'd suggest use prepared statement executed insert data temporary table while iterate through php array.


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