cassandra - Why does Datastax OpsCentre fail to read node information for some nodes in the cluster? -

when call rest api method /{cluster_id}/nodes

some of nodes return contain complete information, , others not. example, node returns info:

"node_ip": "", "network_interfaces": [   "lo",   "em1",   "em2",   "em3",   "em4",   "bond0",   "bond1" ], "ec2": {   "instance-type": null,   "placement": null,   "ami-id": null,   "instance-id": null }, "node_version": {   "search": null,   "jobtracker": null,   "tasktracker": null,   "spark": {     "master": false,     "version": "",     "worker": true   },   "dse": "4.6.0",   "cassandra": "" }, "dc": "analytics", "node_name": "bg1322", "num_procs": 32, "streaming": {  }, "token": "-1269200298813728863", "data_held": 34651894.0, "mode": "normal", "rpc_ip": "", "partitions": {   "saved_caches": "/dev/mapper/bg1322_applvol",   "commitlog": "/dev/mapper/bg1322_applvol",   "other":  ............  etc 

and 1 not (node_name, data_held):

"node_ip": "", "network_interfaces": null, "ec2": {  }, "node_version": {  }, "dc": "analytics", "node_name": null, "num_procs": null, "streaming": {  }, "token": "-4096905490099169213", "data_held": null, "mode": "unknown", "rpc_ip": "", "partitions": {   "saved_caches": null,   "commitlog": null,   "other": null,   "data": null }, "os": null, "rack": "rack1", "last_seen": 0 

}, { "load": null, "has_jna": false, "vnodes": true, "devices": { "saved_caches": null, "commitlog": null, "other": null, "data": null }, "task_progress": {


any ideas why might happen?


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