jms - Generate Client ID on deploy -

i have wildfly cluster should share topic messages different nodes , keep them if 1 node offline.
case need durable subscriper.

@messagedriven(     activationconfig = {         @activationconfigproperty(propertyname = "destinationtype", propertyvalue = "javax.jms.topic"),         @activationconfigproperty(propertyname = "destination", propertyvalue = "jms/topic"),         @activationconfigproperty(propertyname = "subscriptiondurability", propertyvalue = "durable"),         @activationconfigproperty(propertyname = "subscriptionname", propertyvalue = "anam123e"),         @activationconfigproperty(propertyname = "clientid", propertyvalue = "abcd"),     } ) 

i have noticed if using same clientid system doing load-balancing. if change clientid or subscriptionname unique value works.

so when use unique clientid , when subscriptionname?
answer was, unique clientid per node , subscriptionname per thread on node.

furthermore want generate clientid based on wildfly node name similar to:

@activationconfigproperty(propertyname = "clientid", propertyvalue = "abcd-" + wildfly.getinstance().getnodename()), 

is there way achieve it?

there real simple solution available: property replacement

you need enable in standalone.xml:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ee:2.0">     <annotation-property-replacement>true</annotation-property-replacement>     ... </subsystem> 

and new annotation can following:

@messagedriven(     activationconfig = {         @activationconfigproperty(propertyname = "destinationtype", propertyvalue = "javax.jms.topic"),         @activationconfigproperty(propertyname = "destination", propertyvalue = "jms/topic"),         @activationconfigproperty(propertyname = "subscriptiondurability", propertyvalue = "durable"),         @activationconfigproperty(propertyname = "subscriptionname", propertyvalue = "aname"),         @activationconfigproperty(propertyname = "clientid", propertyvalue = "abcd-${}"),     } ) 
