angularjs - Why Unknown function "getJalse" in factory Angular JS -

i trying make ajax request php angular js. not getting data have sent php file.

an error unknown function "getjalse" exist in factory

my source:

file app.js:

(function () { var app = angular.module('myapp', ['ngroute']);  app.config(function ($routeprovider) {     $routeprovider              .when('/', {                 controller: 'contentsctrl',                 templateurl: 'views/contents.php'             })              .when('/jalse/:jalseid', {                 controller: 'recordsctrl',                 templateurl: 'views/jalse.php'             })              .otherwise({redirectto: '/'});      });  }()); 

file jalsefactory.js:

(function () {  'use strict';  var jaslefactory = function ($http, $q) {      var factory = {};      factory.getjalses = function () {         var deferred = $q.defer();          $http({method: 'get', url: 'includes/records.php'}).                 success(function (data, status, headers, config) {                     deferred.resolve(data);                 }).                 error(function (data, status, headers, config) {                     deferred.reject(data);                 });         return deferred.promise;     };     return factory; };  jaslefactory.$inject = ['$http', '$q']; angular.module('myapp').factory('jaslefactory', jaslefactory);  }()); 

file recordsctrl.js:

(function () { 'use strict';  var recordsctrl = function ($scope, $routeparams , jaslefactory) {     var jalseid = $routeparams.jalseid;      $scope.records = jaslefactory.getjalse();      $scope.jalse = null;      function init() {         (var = 0, len = $scope.records.length; < len; i++) {             if ($scope.records[i].contentid == parseint(jalseid)) {                 $scope.jalse = $scope.records[i];                 break;             }         }     }      init();  };  recordsctrl.$inject = ['$scope' , '$routeparams' , 'jaslefactory'];  angular.module('myapp').controller('recordsctrl', recordsctrl);  }()); 

because factory has getjalses , calling getjalse.


factory.getjalses = function ()  


factory.getjalse = function ()  


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