How to convert a SQL Server cursor to MySQL equivalent -

how can convert procedure below mysql format?

here piece converted:

declare @currentfirstname varchar(300) declare @currentage int  declare cursorname cursor fast_forward      select firstname,age      customers  open cursorname fetch next cursorname @currentfirstname, @currentage  while @@fetch_status = 0 begin       if @age>60 /*this stupid can apply complex condition here*/ begin     insert eldercustomers values (@currentfirstname,@currentage)       end       fetch next cursorname @currentfirstname,@currentage end  close cursorname deallocate cursorname 

sorry in advance if there wrong above

the mysql equivalent this:

begin   declare currentfirstname varchar(300);   declare currentage int;   declare done int default false;   declare cursorname cursor     select firstname, age customers;   declare continue handler not found set done = true;   open cursorname;   myloop: loop     fetch cursorname currentfirstname, currentage;     if done       leave myloop;     end if;     if currentage > 60       insert eldercustomers values (currentfirstname,currentage);     end if;   end loop;   close cursorname; end; 

the big difference in loop, using continue handler set flag when there no more rows fetch, , exiting loop when flag set. (that looks ugly, that's way it's done in mysql.)

this example begs question why isn't written (more efficiently, in both sql server , mysql) as:

insert eldercustomers (firstname, age) select firstname, age   customers  age > 60 
