java - Want to specify jar name and version both in build.gradle -

i want o specify jar name , version in build.gradle, build.gradle looks below.

apply plugin: 'java'  version = "1.00.00"   dependencies {       compile files('../../lib/abc.jar')  }   jar{     manifest{         attributes ("fw-version" : "2.50.00", "${parent.manifestsectionname}")      }     archivename 'abc.jar' } 

so when

gradle clean build, expecting generated jar name abc-1.00.00.jar

but not happening, output jar name getting abc.jar , ignoring version. want specify both jar name , version, how can achieve that.

archivename 'abc.jar' in jar configuration forcing name 'abc.jar'. default format jar name ${basename}-${appendix}-${version}-${classifier}.${extension}, basename name of project , version version of project. if remove archivename line in configuration you'll have format you're after. if want name of archive different project name set basename instead, e.g.

jar {     manifest{         attributes ("fw-version" : "2.50.00", "${parent.manifestsectionname}")     }     basename 'abc' } 

see more info on configuring jar task.
